Chapter 4: Grace

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We got back to the mansion a few days later. As soon as we walked in the door, Allen had welcomed us home. Lilly shyly stood there, looking at Ares as he walked off. I rolled my eyes.

"Tommy! Ana! We're home!" I called, and it didn't take long for the sound of little feet running to be heard. Their little brunette heads came around the corner, their brown doe eyes lit with excitement. I laughed as I held open my arms and caught them in a hug. "Hey my little kiddos." I smiled.

"Hi Gracie!" Little Ana cheered. Since coming to the mansion, she wasn't as shy.

"Did you beat the monsters?" Asked Tommy.

"Of course I did! I'm not going to let them get away!" I said as if it was obvious, even though it was. Hey, they were eight. The twins cheered and I laughed again.

"Miss Grace, your grandfather would like to speak to you." Lilly spoke up. I nodded and patted the kids on the head, going to Jack's study. Even after two years, I just can't bring myself to call him grandpa. I want to, but it just didn't feel right. I mean, he was forever working, and I was always either slaying or studying with the mages. We have maybe had a week of personal bonding in the past two years, and all we talked about was my parents and my past growing up.

"Grace." Jack smiled when I walked into his study. I returned it and sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Welcome home. Easy job?"

"Very. And as always, Becky watched, observing technique." I told.

"That's good to hear." He nodded. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that you have an appointment for dress shopping today at six."

"Dress appointment?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Yes. Every few years, on New Year's, the slayer community holds a dance as congratulations to our good work. I want you to meet some of the other councilman and slayers. The whole household is going, including the twins." He informed me.

"We have a Slayers Congratulatory Dance? And I thought I knew everything about the slayer world by now..." I drifted on thought.

Jack let out a chuckle. "You probably never will."

Okay. Well. Reassuring...

"So the appointment?" I brought up again.

"Oh yes. Allen will take you to the dress shop later."

I nodded and left Jack's study.


At half till six, Allen drove me to the dress shop. It was a fancy store with tile floors, pristine while walls, and girly bright lights. There were a ton of different colored dresses and multiple different styles.

"Miss Grace Walker?" A young woman appeared. She had short blonde hair and kind hazel eyes.

"That's me." I nodded and she smiled brightly.

"I'm Jennie, your new stylist. Your grandfather asked me to help you prepare for the Slayers Congratulatory Dance."

I raised my eyebrows. "Bait?" She nodded. I had learned most baits worked for higher slayers in their free time.

"Well, lets get started! Did you have any ideas?" She asked.

"Flowing, nothing that makes me look like a cupcake." I answered, causing her to giggle.

The dresses she put me in we're nice. I had eventually narrowed down some details, like one shoulder, simple, and longer. I had finally asked if I could just look on my own and she let me. I was looking at dress after dress when a specific one caught my eye. It was beautiful. I grabbed it and went to try it on.

When I came out of the dressing room, Jennie clapped and jumped up and down a little. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. The dress was a one shoulder, sea foam blue green color that covered my feet. It was loose, and flowing, and had a silver, slightly intricate waist band. I loved it. Jennie also helped me pick out my jewelry to go with it, which was a silver pocket watch necklace and a few simple silver bracelets to wear on one wrist. I told her I already had a pair of heels at the mansion I could wear with the dress.

Jennie put the dress and accessories on Jack's tab that he had apparently opened and I met Allen outside with my bag of goodies.

On the way back to the mansion, I started thinking about dance. Would I see Pear there? For some reason, I had both a good feeling that I would, but I also highly doubted it. I hope I do though. If she is there, what would she be wearing? Knowing her, a black dress.

I sighed and listened to the radio until we got back home. I immediately went to my room, putting away my new dress and jewelry.

Pear, you better be at this dance. You have a lot of explaining to do.


A:N/ Here you go! Another chapter! So, what do you think is going to happen at the dance?

See you next week for another chapter!

xoxoxo -Nixie

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