Chapter 17: Vanessa

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Lloyd was talking. Not to me, to someone I couldn't see or hear. Cool. My imaginary friend has his own imaginary friend. "Who are you talking to?" I asked.

"Ben." he answered, shooting me a small glare for interupting.

"Who's Ben?" I could hear someone around the corner, but ignored them. I've become known for talking to myself lately.

"Ana's imaginary friend. But you can't see him, cuz you're not imaginary." he teased.

"Shut up, Lloyd." I said and made my way to my play rooms.

"PEAR!" a breathless Grace barged in the room.

I glared at her. "Don't confuse me with her."

"You're right. 'Cause you're Vanessa now, right, Pear?" she said in a confident tone that pissed me off.

After the shock wore off I clapped slowly. "Congrats." I spat and turned to walk away. "Your search is over. The Lost Assassin has been found." my voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Angrily, she grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking. "Oh, no you don't. I want answers." she stated with finality.

"Answers don't come with out questions." I retorted bitchily, yanking my hand free. I turned to face her, crossing my arms, a dead set glare.

"You don't wanna know how I figured it out?" she asked, trying to act calm to cool the situation.

"I knew you would. I dropped hints here and there."

"Yeah, not on purpose." Lloyd butted in suddenly. I ignored him.

"Why'd you leave?" Grace asked.

"It was the right choice."


"You." I answered simply. She looked confused. I knew what I was about to say was wrong, but I was too pissed to care if I hurt them. "You came around, and suddenly, I show more than one emotion. You show up, and Ares gets us all Punished, because of you. You show up, and we all got weak. I left, we all got stronger. Much stronger." I said. It was true. Everyone had gotten stronger since I left.

Grace looked like she'd just been shot. I took the opportunity to take my leave. "This isn't over." I heard her whisper before the door closed.

The rest of the week went similarly. She'd track me down, get me alone, bombard me with questions, and I'd manage to somehow ditch her, thank you Eliminator training. Eventually, she'd find me again and the cycle would restart. Unable to take it any longer, I took refuge with Zac and Aaron in the command room. Only the three of us, with the rare exeption of Cole's team, were allowed in there. We had two Eliminator's from team 7 guarding the door. Grace could blind rage all she wanted, but there was no possible way for her to take them out. I was safe.

Or so I thought.

"W-T-F. Ness's ACTUALLY here on time?" Zac gasped sarcastically.

"More like here at all." Aaron chuckled. I ignored them and plopped in my chair, leaning back with my feet crossed on the table.

"What's on the agenda today?" I asked, reaching over for Aar's pack of gum, and sticking a piece in my mouth.

"I'm sending you two, and Parker's team outside. Ness is in charge." Aaron commanded, ignoring our complaints. "Your dad is ignoring Walker's rule. We're fighting back."

"FUCK YEAH!" I yelled excitedly, sitting up properly. I've been dying to kick rogue ass lately.

Aaron pressed a button on the wall, and a red light flashed on all three of our jackets, and anyone in Cole's team's too. One after another, the four of them arrived to the room.

"Do what do I owe the pleasure?" His royal assness smirked, sliding into his seat next to mine. I rolled my eyes and tuned out Aaron's explaination. He dismissed us, and the second I walked out the door, Grace was waiting. Doesn't she give up? God fucking damnit.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Doesn't concern you." I retorted.

"Your buisiness is mine-"

"Walker, you're a low ranking MAGE. What I do is none of your god-damned business, but while you're in this base, you WILL do as I say. It doesn't matter who your grandpa is, or what relationship we used to have. You have NO power here." I snapped, then pointed at the buffer looking guard. "Escourt her to her room. She's not to leave until Parker's and my team is gone. Understood?" I ordered.

"Yes, Ma'am." he said respectfully, placed a fist over his heart, bowed, then dragged the resistant girl away. Try as she might, my orders went a lot farther than her's. She wasn't leaving unless Aaron over ruled me, we left for the mission, or I changed my mind.

"Oh, Nessie." Aaron said behind me, glancing, but not really caring about, the screaming Grace. He handed me a letter, and large box. "From your dad. Oh! And feel free to take any extras with you on the mission."

"'Kay, thanks Aar!" I said, ordering-well, I said please-a passing Offensive to carry the box for me while I walked and read the letter to my room.


Hi, Darling! How's life at the base? Everything going okay? I heard you got stuck with Ares Jaeger's ragtag team. I know you're going to hate this, but I want them with you on this mission, which I'm gonna assume Aaron explained already.

Be sure to have fun! We all know what you're like when you're having fun.

Love you!


P.S. When you get to the rogue HQ, release the seals."

That was the letter. Release the seals? He's-..not wrong. That's not a bad idea.

Bringing Grace along? Fucking hell. Why does shit always go her way?


A:N/ yep! Another update! Woohoo!!

Leaving the base! What do you think is going to happen? Let us know what you think!




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