Chapter 2: Grace

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"Start packing up. There's been reports of missing children in a town a few hours from here. We're leaving in an hour." Ares spoke after hunting down the team and calling a meeting. He started calling for actual meetings shortly after Pear left. It was like it was his way of making sure no one else had run off.

We all nodded and went off to our bedrooms, Becky following close behind myself. She had moved into Pear's old room. She had wanted to be closer to me. For the first year, she didn't talk to anyone but me and the twins. Today, she was more open, but still talked to me the most.

I helped her pack about a weeks worth of clothes, then went to pack up myself. While doing so, I came across the top I had forced onto Pear the night me and Dylan were first tested. The memory of how we both laughed and kept watching the cute waiter came to mind. I haven't had a moment like that for a while. The team was amazing, but they couldn't replace Pear.

I shook myself out of my memories and continued packing. When I was done, I grabbed my bag and my bow, and went out to the truck.

Lilly was out there, attempting to help load up the truck and talk to Ares. Their affair had been long over, but she never really let it go. I tried to tell her he did this kind of thing all the time, but I think it went in one ear and out the other. The only real differences between her and every other one night girl was that she actually got more than one night with him, and he saw her all the time since she was a slayer, and a worker in the mansion. When I told this to Lilly, she just claimed that she loved him. He never loved her, and I don't think she accepted it.

We were on the road not more than ten minutes later. I sat in the back next to Dylan, Becky on the other side of him. We both liked to use him as a pillow. He always said that he never cared since we were his favorite girls. His girlfriend and his daughter. Yes, we called Becky our daughter. Of course, there was one more favorite. His sister Callie who is the same age as Becky. I still hadn't gotten to meet her yet, nor his father, but he says I will love them and they will love me.

When I woke up I stretched carefully and looked out the window. We were already at the motel. I got out of the truck and stretched again before getting a bag and taking it inside, Dylan following behind me carrying his and Becky's bag. Ares had already gotten the rooms and handed me the key. I looked at what room it was and went toward where it was.

When I walked in I looked around the room. Two beds, a small couch, bathroom. Typical room. Dylan, Becky and I always shared a room while Ares and Blaze had another one, although I don't think Ares actually came back a lot.

I suited up in my ninja suit, the same one I got so Pear and I could be ninjas together. Becky always just wore a simple track suit when tracking. She may be my adopted daughter, but her tracking outfit was nothing like mine.

We headed out into the forest and climbed into the trees. Yes, I allowed Becky to climb the trees, just not as heigh as were we would normally be, and I always helped her get from tree to tree.

I couldn't sense anything, so Ares led us with his nose and ears. The slenders moved fast, but we were able to keep up. Eventually, we got just close enough that I could sense three slenders about seventy-five feet away. I'd been able to extend my senses to a maximum of eighty feet.

In about an hour, we were right over them. Becky stayed in the trees to watch and observe as the rest of us dropped to the ground, attacking the slenders. I sent an arrow through the head of the first one. It squirmed but eventually dropped to the ground, oozing the thick silver goo that was slenderman blood.

Looking over I saw Dylan and Blaze fighting one without problem and Ares fighting the other. He didn't really look like he needed it, but I decided to help him out. I sent an arrow at it, hoping to distract it, piercing its torso. In an attempt to improve its chances of living, it branched arms from its back.

The slender they were in battle with now dead, Blaze threw his throwing stars at it, making a few arms drop to the ground. A shrill cry of death came from the slender as it bled to death. To end it's cry and misery, Dylan shot at the head, his aim perfect as always, since it was his advanced skill, and two bullets hit center of its forehead.

There. Three dead slenders.

My observation kicked back in and I sensed something behind the trees. I had only felt this only one other time, and that was when me and the kids were kidnapped by slenders. It was similar to the feeling slendermen gave me, but not as strong and made me a little dizzy.

I turned toward where the feeling was coming from but then it disappeared, as if it was never there. I made a note to myself to figure out what that was.


"Hmm? Oh, yeah." I replied to Dylan. "Becky, you can come down now." I looked up to see her waiting to be told exactly that.

She jumped down carefully, Dylan catching her before she hit the ground.

Slowly, we made our way back to the motel and changed. It was late, so we went to bed. I crawled into bed next to Dylan. Becky got into the other bed.

Sometimes, she had nightmares of being captured and surrounded by slenders like two years ago so she would sleep in our bed with us. Every night, I wonder if she will be okay for the night. I often think about where the kids could be right now if none of that happened. They could be with their parents, sleeping happily without any worries.

But it made me feel better when I saw their smiling faces in the morning. It meant they were happy, and didn't hate where they were today. I hope they never hate us for taking them away from a normal childhood.



So, sorry about the short/super slow updates recently. Life decided to be really busy, so I haven't had too much time for updates. I'm sorry! 

Another thing, we're finishing ATD pretty soon. No, there won't be a sequel to it. But it is going to be finished soon. I'm thinking there's probably going to be 3-4 chapters left, and an epilogue.

I'm not sure what we're gonna do about GOZ:TG. I think we're just gonna take a break from that. We're so blocked it isn't even funny anymore. xD

So. Yeah. Here's chapter two, enjoy, yadda yadda, blah blah blah, kay bye.



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