Moon Drip

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~Third POV~

~Underneath Temple of Moon~

~Third POV~

Team Natsu (excluding Erza) continue looking at Deliora. With Gray standing in front of it while the others are behind him.

"Deliora..." Gray saids the monster's name. "This is the demon your master sealed away?" Question Natsu. Gray responded, "Yes. No question about it." Happy continues the conversation, "You're saying this was brought here from the northern continent?" Lucy jumps in, "Could this demon be the cause of the island's curse!?" Gray spoke, "It's definitely possible. This demon is still alive and all..." Natsu immediately pumps himself up and walks forward next to Gray as he swings his arm around, "All right! In that case, I'll give it a beat-down of my own!" 

Lucy sighs at Natsu 's solution of facing this demon while Sakura who listens in starts to get worried of what the outcome is going to be. "Just watch!" Gray grinds his teeth and punches Natsu to the face, causing Natsu to collapse to the ground, which results in Sakura to quickly aid Natsu, "Natsu!"

"Gray hit him!" Shouted shock Happy.

"Pika!?" Shouted as well as Pikachu.

"Though that's nothing out of the ordinary!" Said Lucy since she sees both of them constantly at each other's throats.

Sakura lifts Natsu up to a sitting position as she gently checks his cheek and sighs in relief, "Thank Arceus. There was no bruise." Natsu quickly shouted angrily towards Gray, "Hey, you...! What the hell was that?!" He was caught off guard by Gray's expression towards him angrily as well. "Stay away from this ice, fire wizard! If the ice melts and Deliora wakes up, no one will be able to stop him!" Natsu gets back up along with Sakura giving worried glances how this isn't an ordinary fight that the two do. "What!? You really think it'd be that easy to melt!?" Natsu agures back how Gray called his master ice magic weak. This caused Gray to lower down his head in shame on how he called his master ice magic weak since Deliora is frozen shut. Everyone continues looking at the two wizards.

"No..." Said Gray. Lucy comes towards Gray and pat on his back asking if he alright resulting in Natsu to shout at her saying he was injured. Happy said, "You're one to talk." Sakura gently smiles at Natsu as she pat his shoulder, "Natsu. Lucy wants to make sure Gray is emotionally alright. She knows you're alright since I'm healing you, I just need to apply this cream." Pikachu pulls out some cream and holds the small container toward Sakura. Natsu nods, enjoying Sakura touch on his injured cheek feeling healed already. Once everything is settled Gray gives details about the spell that is cast upon.

"My master Ur cast a spell called Ice Shell on this demon. It's an unmeltable ice. Not even the most powerful explosive flame spells can melt it. So why would they carry this off if they knew that?" Ask Gray. Lucy tried answering, "Maybe they don't know. Maybe they're trying to melt it somehow." Gray immediately shouted at her in anger, "For what, though!?" Resulting in Lucy to put her hands up in surrender not wanting to further anger him, "I-I don't know..." He tsk.

This sort of action made Sakura's cheeks puff and shout at Gray, "Gray! I may not know the exact pain you're in but it is no right to be angry at your friends who are trying to understand you better, learn about this demon and your master spell. Would you punch me or yell at me if I say a basic question since I don't know much about magic or Natsu who doesn't know a thing about this demon believing trying to defeat it with everything we got like with Lullaby or Lucy who trying to place an idea to at least figure out why those guys are. Please Gray give us a chance to be by your side rather than pushing us down." Sakura lowers her head down because she doesn't like shouting at others, especially her friends but is willing to do so if needed. 

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