chapter 5

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omg guys how can i thank you? 1K reads in 3 days or something like that! and i really wanted to thank @jortini0 and @SimplementeLodoyTini for their amazing comments : ) anyways lets get started!

it almost looked at the school nursery..... but why i mean they just could wake me up? right? the nurse walked in 'oh i see your awake' she says 'why am i here?' 'well you fell asleep and we tried to wake you up but you stayed asleep' 'oh thats weird...' 'yes anyways your class have history now so go to class if your ready' i nodded and got of the bed looked at myself in the mirror fixed my hair took my bag and walked to hisstory class when i came in all the eyes were on me i quickly walked in and sat down and that was last class... 

when school was done jorge walked to me 'hey sleepy' i hit him playfully 'im awake now!' he laughed 'you dont know how funny it was to wake you up' 'i dont want to hear it' 'well firts we di-' 'i dont want to hear it!' we walked out of the school 'or do i have to shut you up' 'we almost have trowed a glass water in your face bu-' 'yeah i know i dont care' 'the nurse stopped us and tha-' i did my hand on his mouth 'now you cant say anything' i said happy but than i felth something wet on my hand 'ewww jorge!' i pulled my hand away 'thats just gross' he laughed and ectually i coudnt hold my laughter so we laughed together

'hey guys!' we turned around to see the girls 'hey girls' 'im sorry did we interrupt something?' mechi said and jorge and me backed away a bit 'noway nothing' 'okey well tini we are going to shop you want to joi?'cande asked 'well my money is at home you know so what if you already g and we meet there?' i said in the hope they doesnt say this 'we can go with you?' yes cande said that just what i hoped she woudnt go 'hey tini i thought we were going to grab a icecream!?' jorge said he had the look from play-with-me 'ohyeah ehm guys i will come after i get an icecream with jorge' 'so he is above us?' 'no just the combination from jorge and icecream..' i said and we all laughed 'okey i understand bye see you there' 'at molly's?' i asked 'yeah 3 pm' they walked away and i hugged jorge

'thanks my god almost they came with me..' 'common lets go home' he wanted to walk away but i grab his hand 'we have to go that way' i pointed the other way than his house 'why?' 'duhhh i want that icecream!' he laughed and we walked to the icecream bar hand in hand 'so what do you want?' 'ehm... cookie dough!' i said 'and i want chocolate' he said the man scooped the icecream and handed it us we payed and walked to a bench we sat down and he did his arm around me i sat close to him and we ate or icecream 'want to taste mine?' i asked he nodded and took a bit 'omg why did i never tried that taste?!' i laughed 'what?' 'welcome to the icecream club!' i said and he looked weird at me 'what is that?' 'a club that love icecream duhhh' we laughed and afetr a while or icecream was done we walked back home and got inside when we walked inside i got up and grabbed my money 'hey honney were are you going?' joice asked 'im going to shop with my friends' i replied 'oh wait a minute' she came back with 20 dollar 'here take that with you' 'i cant take that!' 'but you have to' she layed it in y hands i smiled to her thanked her and walked to the mall to have an amazing afternoon

the afternoon was amazing the girls and me decided to do the make over swap! you dont know what it is i know we made this game its like we all got an person i got mechi and cande got me you make an whole look for her so clothes + make up + accesoires its really fun and than we all have to wear that one day and ofcourse sometimes we love the look and we make it our own look so yeah cande gave me an suuuper cute outfit and im in love with it! I think i did a great job by mechi but its totally not mechis style that the fun of it! anyways im walking to jorge home i think i can call it my home now to... anyways i walked in with all my shopping bags

'wow you shopped!' jorge laughed at me 'yeah we did the make over swap cande did me so yeah i have to wear tomorrow that' 'well your beautifull in everything' i blushed at what he said and looked at the ground 'anyways im going up and change' i walked to the badroom and changed in sweats and got my make up of i walked down and sat next to jorge who was gaming 'you know your beautifull without make up' 'yeah funny with all those wounds and all' he looked at me serious 'your serious?' i looked at him 'why woudnt I?' i smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder 'your the best' 'i know im good' i laughed soft and he did his arm around me so i lay my head on his chest

after a while his mom came down 'hey joice' 'hey tini how was shopping?' 'really fun! i really needed it a day with the girls' 'hey!' jorge said like a baby 'aw your sad now?' i said 'maybe' 'aww babyyyy' 'im not a baby!' he whined and i laughed 'yeah yeah keep dreaming' i pecked his cheek 'im still waiting for the day..' joice mumbled to herself 'witch day?' jorge asked and joice snapped out of her thoughts 'oh nothing' she walked away to the kitchen

after a while it was already late and we ate dinner and got to bed my god im tired i did my pj on and got into bed jorge hopped in next to me and turned of the light i layed close to him and he did his hand around me and we fell asleep...

the next morning i woke up fith my hand on jorge chest and one leg over his legs his arm around my waist he was still sleeping 'jorgieee' i yell whisper and he groaned 'why so early?' i laughed 'because i have to do a lot jorgie' 'but princess-' he started 'oh jorgie just get up' 'nope' he opened his eyes and smirked at me 'why not!?' 'cuz i want a kiss' 'oh you want a kiss?' he wants a kiss that hottie over there wants a kiss from me?! 'yes and you are going to give me that' he pulled me even closer to him and our noses touched each other 'why are you so shure i will give you that?' 'oh cuz you have to' he came even closer and his lips touched mine and kissed me i replied and kissed him back this wasnt that short kiss i had from him he didnt pull away at all me neither and after a while we pulled away and looked in each others eyes

'your getting up now?' 'hmmm let me think' he said 'yes!' i said before he could ask me what i meaned i pushed him out of the bed and he layed on the ground while i laughed at him 'oh i will get you!' 'no jorge'he walked to me ready to tickle me but i runned away down staires and than ge catched me 'got ye' he grabbed me and tickled me i screamed and joice walked in the room 'help joice! nooo jorgeeee' he was still tickling me and i was screaming and laughing 'you guys looking like children from 3 years' joice said and jorge stopped tickling me 'my god never ever do that again!' i said and he laughed at me 'well thats for pushing me out of bed!' i laughed 'well thats for not getting up' i replayed back and i got up 'i claim the badroom' i walked inside of the badroom with my clothes from yesterday and the make up that i got from cande

after a while i was done with my make up and clothes i looked at myself i defenetly love this look...(in media as you can tell i love that look) i walked out of the badroom and grabbed my back 'jorge lets go' i screamed to his room 'comming' he walked down and looked at me 'wow i like that look' he said and i made a cirkle 'i love it!' 'well lets go 'he grabbed my hand and we walked to school were i saw the girls all in the looks we made for each other they runned to me 'omg tini it looks sooo cute' i made the cirkle again 'i love it thanks cande' 'no problem girl' she hugged me and the day started...

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