I hope y'all had a great new years eve with allot of firework and shit (I had)
Anyways, here is the JORGE BLANCO chapter!! About Jorge's his life before Martina.
It's really bad, I warn you. I mean I'm not a profesional writer XD
Song: Another Me by The Cab (IM FAN OF THEM SO LISTEN TO IT!)
Media: a picture of some hot dude I found on the internet ;D
Tok tok!!
Jorge Blanco POV
3 years earlier
"Jorge Blanc, your mother is here" I stood up from the familair uncomfortable bed and walked towards the door that was opened by agent Helsin. "watch it the next time kid, once in her life she'll just let you here" the old man pushed me out of the cellar with a chuckle "I dont know why she still has faith in the fact you'll come fine again" it was my turn to chuckle
"nobody knows" we walked to the hall where my mom stood, nervously fiddling with her fingers.
"Miss Blanco, your son" agent Helsin called as my mom looked up. she sighed
"Jorge, your father wont be to happy when he sees you" she grabs my hand "thank you agent Helsin" he gave her a short nod and a reasurring smile
"no problem miss Blanco, it's my work" she smiled back as she tugged at my hand and as I started to follow her she dropped my hand
"you told dad?" I asked as she sighed and jumped into the driver seet, me jumping besides her in the passanger seet.
"yes hunny, we cant hide everything" I rolled my eyes
"I bet he woudnt even notice if you would've kept your mouth shut" I rambled as she ran a hand trough her hair and faced me
"but no! misses coudnt shut her mouth! you know, I bet he doesnt even cares that I was in jail. he doeesnt even care to say happy birthday to his wife. okey, I can understand him if he doesnt say it to me, but his wife! got dammit mom! you are just so blind! if I was you-" she cut me off
"but you're not me, Jorge! and he is your god damn father!" I huffed
"well he shurely doesnt really show that he is my god damn father!" my voice raised slightly "always on business trips, well business trips my ass! I bet he is only fucking some cheap hoes! why do you think we live in an appartment?! huh? he doesnt make money! mom, you work 24/7! he only spills money, for a so called good fuck!" he thought I was blind
"enough Jorge! I didnt ask your opinion in your father's and mine relationship!" she pressed her foot against the engine of the car and drove from the police station to my house. nope. not calling it home as long as I know that man, I should call my father, is in the house.
we pulled up in our drive way and my mom sighed before unbuckling her self and climbing out the car, me following her lead.
"JORGE BLANCO!" I rolled my eyes as the voice of my father drummed in my ears.
"I'm in my room" I jogged to the stairs only to be stopped by the old man himself
"you are not going anywhere! you filthy brad! you trow away all my money by getting in jail! and then?! you expect me to let you just run upstaires!?" he roared as I chuckle blankly at him.

My Rules
FanfictionConsider me as a piece of paper. You crumple it until it's no longer straight and beautiful. How much you try, how long you'll keep going, it will never be the same; a straight canvas. This was me. I was beaten and when he found out he tried to he...