Why, oh why, oh why?!
School started! (Poor me!)
Can anyone help me out this living hell named school?!
I still have 5 freaking years to go! (Again, poor me)
My class is pretty awesome I mean our class is to big to fit in every classroom
So we dont have to walk to our next class, but the teachers come to us #awesomeness
Picture: Jake, because we love him and he's damn hot COMMENT IF YOU LOVE HIM
Music: the walker,because it reminds me of my beautifull vacation!
Tok tok chickens
Martina Stoessel POV
New day, new story!
The words were written in big letters on the newspaper that was laying on my desk in my and Jakes office.
"Many peaple feel terrible when they woke up, if its after a night full of drinks and parties or a long day of work, we feel terrible. But because of that, we are moody this day too. But why dont we just wash or face and ket all the bad moodes flow with it!? Life will be brighter and life would be happier and the only thing you have to do is letting the bad things behind and write a new story about a new day!"
~Jennifer Hasfield in New York Weekly paper
Yeah, if I only could. I took a sip from my coffee and looked up as the door opened and Jake stepped in "hi Jake" I said as I flashed him a quick smile
"Hey Unicorn" he replies as he sits on his chair "so whats up?" he asked as I gave him a confused look
"How do you mean?" I asked as he started to spin around in his chair
"Well you're so quiet today, you're never this quiet" he replied as I raised an eyebrow
"So you get worried when I dont talk mutch?" I asked him as he nod
"Now you make it sound weird, but yeah, I actually do. So whats up? Something happened between you and the hot dude?" he asked as he stopped spinning
I groaned as he started about Jorge "please stop talking about that dude" I groaned as he chuckled
"So I ques its something with him. Can I know it? You know you can tell me anything" I smiled to him as I took another sip of my coffee
"Its just, than he's a sweet guy, than some dick. So I moved away from a dick, did he found me again! Is he acting all carring than the next day he is acting like a dick again and that same night he is telling me he loves me!" i trow my hands in the air "confusing mutch?" I asked
"Hunny, remember its a guy, guys are confusing and dicks" he told me as I nod
"You're right, guys are rats who you should never trust.(A/N the only man you can trust is your daddy. <- #grease)" he nods with a smile
"Thats my girl! Now I need to finish some paper works, so do you. And I promess after that I'm taking you to a bar to get drunk" I laughed and rolled my eyes
"Fine, but you keep calm with the tequila" he chuckles and started to do his paper works as I started with mine
"Hey guys, gramps asked if you could check this out tomorrow" my head snapped up to see jorge comming in with some papers
"Yeah shure, whats it about?" Jake asked
"About some guy, I dont really know" he said laying half of the pile on Jakes desk and the other half on mine

My Rules
FanfictionConsider me as a piece of paper. You crumple it until it's no longer straight and beautiful. How much you try, how long you'll keep going, it will never be the same; a straight canvas. This was me. I was beaten and when he found out he tried to he...