jorge and me were walking to the set while singing together its just an thing between us we love to sing and dance and he doesnt understand why i didnt did auditions today he will film his first scene he is thomas one of the leads i dont think he is an thomas he is more an leon type but i dont deside... anyways we were just ending our song when we were infront of an uge building 'well common' he said grabbing my hand its sweet he asked if i could join him on his first day he already meeted the cast
we walked inside and he got greated by a couple persons til john came to us 'hey jorge you quickly have to change and hello martina nice to see you' he said smiling 'hey' 'hey tini i go change' he kissed my cheek and walked away 'so how are you?' john asked me 'im totally fine' we walked to somewhere chatting a bit 'so do you stay the day?' i nodded 'jorge asked me so i said yes' he smiled at me 'you really love him dont you?' i smiled back 'with whole my heart' 'well im happy for you 2' 'thanks' he looked at his watch 'the first scene of violetta in buenos aires will be filmed common' we walked to the others one girl with black hair in collorfull clothes stood there she must be violetta she walked and said what she had to do after 5 times they stopped and john walked to someone and talked with her
'hey tini' i felth some arms go around me from behind knowing its jorge 'hey jorge' he layed his head on my shoulder 'so how is it going here?' he asked because he was practising an dance 'its okey' i said and he laughed 'i understand you' he said 'ohyeah?' 'yeah she just isnt a violettta type' he said as i was suprised 'wow you actually understand it' he smiled and kissed my cheek 'you know your definetly not a thomas your more an....' i thought a bit 'a leon' i said and he smiled 'thanks tini' 'i was serious you know' i smiled at him 'oh i know' i leaned more against him and he hold me tighter
john came to us with an smile on his face jorge didnt let me out his arms and after a while john was standing in front of us 'hey john' i said smiling at him 'martina we need you for a moment' i looked confused at him 'for what?' i asked 'well we want to try the scene with you' he said with an big smile jorge arms got away from me and pushed me to the place where "violetta" just stood 'i dont know the lines' i said 'no problem' john answerd 'just read of the tv' there was an tv with some lines on it 'aaand action!' i started to play and say the lines from the tv and when i was done i quickly walked away 'did you filmed that?' john asked at the camara man who nodded after that he got to the "violetta"
i walked to jorge who was smirking at me 'what?' i asked confused 'dont you realise that they want you?' he said as i didnt understand him 'they wanted you to play it john asked if it was filmed and he is talking with alba who looks half sad' he said as i got it 'i dont think so jrge i mean i even dont know if i want it' i said looking at my hands he did his hands on my waist 'it will be fine' he smiled at me and i lookd up 'thanks jorge' 'no problem now i still hadvent got my kiss today' he said as i rolled my eyes 'so can i get it?' he asked getting closer 'fine' i pecked him on the lips 'not a bigger kiss?' he whined like a kid and i laughed 'no jorgie no' i said laughing
john walked to us with a smile on his face 'martina good news!' he said as i looked shocked at him is he going to tell what i think he will? 'w-what?' i said 'you will be the new violetta!' he said it and i looked even more shoked 'are you serious cuz if you arent this is not a funny joke!' i said and he laughed a bit 'no martina im serious so if you want we really want you to be violetta' 'what why me? i mean-alba she is here i mean there' i pointed at her 'and im here and i dont know what to do- uggg' i turned around and leaned my head against jorge chest he laughed' 'tell me when your shure' john said and walked away 'jorge what do i have to do?!' i said as he took my arm and i looked at him in the eyes as he looked in mine 'do what your heart says' i looked at the ground 'but i dont know what it says' he smiled and made me fase him again 'it will come fine i promess' he hugged me and i hugged him back
we pulled away 'but i think you should do it' he says with an smile 'really? i mean im not that go-' i began but he cut me of 'yes you are' 'if you say so..' i sayed and and smile came on his face 'so your doing it?' i nodded 'shure i mean how mutch does someone gives you the change to play in a tv serial' i said and he lifted me up and twirled me around i laughed 'im happy you do it' he said putting me back on the ground 'its that you want it' i said 'later you will be happy' he said i smiled to him 'i hope so' i said 'well im pretty shure' he said as i laughed 'well lets tell it then' i said he grabbed my hand and we walked to john
'so what do you think?' he said 'yes!' i said as he smiled 'good here is the script' he handed me an script 'ohyeah jorge you need to go for an scene' he said to jorge 'okey' jorge nodded and walked away 'so martina we desided to...' he started brabling about things i have to do and explaining the story... ' there is an boy pablo who plays leon, you guys will fall in love but you fall in love with thomas too well than you get some problems and you know some conflicts but than...... he said looking at me you will choose for leon and hopefully everyone will ship you 2 cuz you guys will come together and-' 'wait wait wait' i said and he looked at me
'i have to choose for leon?' i asked and he nodded 'so i fall in love with someone els than thomas?' he nodded again 'well he have to be really handsome' he looked confused at me 'what? jorge is handsome girls just love handsome boys and they will defenetly will choose the handsomesd one' i said like it was normal he laughed 'what its the truth' i said 'you were serious?' he said shocked and i nod 'ask her' i pointed at the girl who first played violetta' he nodded 'alba?!' she runned to us 'whats wrong ?' she asked 'well we were talking about something' he began 'oh whats it?' she said 'well look we have jorge and pablo' he said as she nodded 'tini can you explain?' he said as i nod 'well i just said that girls love to see handsome boys right' i said as she nodded 'well who do you think is hotter pablo or jorge?' i asked her 'if im honest jorge sorry i know he is your boyfriend but my god he is hot' she said as i laughed 'believe me i know he is' we laughed 'but why did you need to know?' she asked 'well as you maybe know leon will be the one for vilu right but all the girls want to be the hottest as the one so thats why' i said as she nod 'well thats apsolutely jorge' she said and i nod in agreetmend 'okey i will see what i can do' john said and he walked away 'i think jorge is going to be the new leon' she said witch reminded me i took her rol.....

My Rules
FanfictionConsider me as a piece of paper. You crumple it until it's no longer straight and beautiful. How much you try, how long you'll keep going, it will never be the same; a straight canvas. This was me. I was beaten and when he found out he tried to he...