chapter 22

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It was the next day and tini and me were walking to school i grabbed her hand and our fingers interwined 'how are your bruises?' Sh asked 'they are fine dont worry' yeah i got some bruises after the fighted but i handelh more.... 'today we have just half of te day because the filming' i know' i knew she tried to get a conversation with me but i just wasnt really in the mood...... there was only one question that is following me for awhile.... 'do you like tyler?' I looked to her and she smiled

'No, tyler is just an friend nothing more' i smiled too i just had to ask it! what if tyler was more than a friend to her? then i proberly would be heartbroken

We came on school still holding hands she laughing about a story i told 'why your laughing?!' i asked 'because you you' she coudnt say sonething from the laughing 'that i got a cake in my face?' she nodded while laughing 'you little bitch!' she slapped me playfully 'im not a bitch!' i laughed now too 'yes you are!' 'im not' 'yes you are!' i laughed with her and we reached her locker she grabbed her stuf while i was leaning with my baxk against the lockers watching her

'stop staring!' she blushed slightly 'why?' i asked as she closed her locker 'because its creepy!' i smiled and wrapped my arms around her 'but i love to look at you' she smiled 'stop! Leon you make me blush!' 'one of my many talents' 'ohyeah how many talends do you have?' she moved closer 'well i can make every girl fall for me' she raised an eyebrow 'ohyeah?' i smile 'i got you didnt i?' she smiled as i pulled her even closer 'wellll' i knew she was treasing me 'i love you beautifull' 'you better do' i pressed her lips on mine and she kissed me back....dammed why can she kiss that great?

'hey guys!' we broke the kiss and saw tyler sranding next to us 'oh hey tyler' i heard anoyence in her voice,and chuckled she looked at ne with a shut up look and i quickly stopped and did my arm around her waist 'we have to....' tini began 'go to class' i finushed and she nodded and we quickly walked away '#akward' she said and i laughed 'oh hey tyler' i immitated her 'shut up blanco!' she hitted me playfully

'well well well already slapping your boyfriend?' we turned around to look at stephie 'no worry i didnt slap him' tini said all sweetly oo if he knew what that girl coul do to her.... 'ohyeah, just say you didnt but we all know about your father and do you want to know why he abused you?' stephie said 'because-' tini cutted her of 'NO!' stephie shutted up and looked amused at tini 'you know nothing about me' tini said i saw het hands in a fist her hand yello from the angryness 'oh how you are so shure?' stephie askes as tini stood closer to her 'before you came to this school you didnt even knew that i fucking exist so Drop your smart talk cuz we all know you mae it up' tini turned around and started to walk away when stephe screamed something after her 'but that you dad doesnt love you is a fact!' tini froze and all the students got silence

After a couple seconds tini turned around 'like i said you dont know me you dont know my dad you know nothing about my life' she said calm 'so just SHUT THE FUCK UP' she screamed behind it and walked further again 'sometimes stephie your just dumb' i said and walked away too 'but jorgie!!' i turned around 'how many fucking times did i told you to dont call me that?!' i walked away she screamed things after me but i didnt care i dont want to listen to it....its not worth it

I walk into the class room music! And looked around i saw tini sitting by mechi eho hugged her i runned to them and mechi smiled small at me and nodded 'tini' i said soft as she turned to me who stood next to her chair her eyes were red and her cheeks were red she stood uo and wrapped her arms around me an i wrapped my arms around her she cried in my chest 'hey beautifull why are you crying?' i stroke her hair trying to calm her 'she was right jorge' she said between her sobs 'what?' i asked 'my d-dad' she said and i pulled closer 'he loves you beautifull we both know that, she is trying to confuse you, she is playing with you'

'OKEY EVERYONE SIT ON YOUR PLACE AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH thank you' everyone sat on tgeir place and i walked to my place taking tini with me she sat on the seat next to me and i grabbed er hand 'its fine' i whisper to her and she nod sadly..... How coukd i? Why do i have to take her with me in my problems, when she already have that mutch?

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