chapter 13

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"Mr. Fier," I nodded to the man as he opened the door to me

"Well Solomon, what brings you out this way," he smiled

"May I come in," he was skeptical but invited me in nonetheless

"I've come to ask permission to court your daughter," his eyes went wide

"Sarah," I looked at him appalled

"Y/N," he visibly relaxed as I said that

"I've been trying to marry that girl off for 3 summers now, shes just so stubborn. Are you prepared for that," I nodded without hesitation

"Well, if anyone would be good for, it would more than likely be you," he mumbled

"You have my blessing,"


With a goodbye, I left in search for Y/N. It was long before I came upon her, holding a new babe in her arms. Her friend stands beside her, looking exhausted but happy.

"Shes such a good baby," Y/N cooed to her

"She likes you," she smiled at this

I watched her, wondering if maybe, just maybe I'd get to enjoy this sight again one day, but with a different outcome. The babe being ours and me standing beside her, puffed with pride and joy.

"Solomon," she smiled at me

"Y/N," I nodded to her with a smile if my own

Her friend looked between us, smirking.

"I'll be back, do you mind watching Lydia for a moment for me," Y/N nodded

Rebcca rushed off to the well and left us. I walked closer and looked down at the baby in her arms, pale blue eyes peeking up at me and I smiled again.

"Would you like to hold her," she asked me

Before I could say no, she was passing me the baby and placing her in my arms. I was stiff but relaxed at her soft eyes.

"Since I'm holding her, I have a question for you," I grinned

"And what is that Solomon," she grinned back at me

I hesitated, suddenly nervous.

"What is it," she bit her bottom lip

I was awe struck at the sight, her bottom lip held slightly between her teeth, making me have very inappropriate thoughts. I cleared my throat.

"I asked your father's permission to court you," I boldly explained

"And," she nodded in question

"And I'm hoping you'll accept," I whispered to her

She got a little closer to me, the baby in my arms asleep now, her head peering down to look at her.

"I'd love to," she looked back up at me

She gently took the baby from me, my eyes wide with a grin.

"Really," I asked happy

She nodded.



That same day, I ran into Y/N again, helping her carry her basket back to her home and making conversation on the way.

"My father told me a summer ago, if I didn't get married soon, my womb would shrivel up and I'd die a spinster," she giggled

"I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen," she looked shocked at me while I grinned

"Oh, Solomon," she laughed at me

"It is something you want right, to be married with children," I asked seriously

"Yes, especially if it's with someone I love and not just someone my father thought would be best for me. He wanted me to be with Issac but I couldn't even stomach the thought," she shuddered

My brother is known in town for being a no nonsense man, with a strong temper and an even stronger punch. I nodded in sympathy.

"Well, here we are Ms. Feir," I bowed with an arm swept out to my side

She giggled and walked up the steps.

"Why thank you Mr. Goode," she bowed back

She stumbled as her sister came rushing out of the door behind her. I dropped the basket to catch her as she fell off the steps. She landed in my arms with a rush of air leaving her body. She fit perfectly.

"Sarah" she snapped with a glare

"Sorry Y/N, I'm going to meet Hannah," Sarah said rushing off

Y/N huffed and glanced up at me, her hair had fall out of her bun and curled down her face.

She looked perfectly ruffled.

"Sorry," she whispered to me

"I'm not," I shook my head

"Oh, Solomon," she giggled again

I put her upright and grabbed her basket, handing it to her. She gently grabbed it, her fingers brushing my own. I swear, a fire could start just from her touching me.

"Goodbye Y/N," I grabbed her hand and gave it a small kiss on her knuckles

"Goodbye Solomon," she said looking around

She must've been please with what she seen, because like a snake striking its prey, she moved with a quickness and kissed my cheek.

I smiled brightly and touched my cheek as her door shut.


Darkness had fallen, outside still. The only thing to disturb the sound was a knock on my door.

I huffed and walked to it, away from the fire. Opening, I came face to face with Issac.

"Issac," he nodded to me, letting himself in

"What're you doin," I managed to ask before he disappeared into my room slamming the door

Shocked, i went to follow, only to find him gone, no sign of him anywhere.

Another knock sounded on my door and I rushed to open it. Standing there was Y/N, with another basket on her hands and the hood of her cloak up.

"I made you some bread," she said

I opened my door further for her to enter. She stepped inside and sat the basket on the table. She took off her cloak while looking at me.

"Good evening," I managed to say

"Did you hear what going on in the woods," I nodded

"Some fire with the kids," she nodded

"They went to get some of those berries from the widow," she huffed in anger

"They'll be ok," I reassured her

She just nodded looking around. I hurriedly cleared a chair for her to sit in. She thanked me as she sat.

"It's nice out here," she said quietly

I just nodded. She quickly stood up and walked to me, her eyes on mine, set with determination.

"Will you do something for me," she asked

"Anything," I rasped

"Will you kiss me,"

Hoping to update again tonight, maybe 2. Who knows.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy.

The Goode Sheriff (reader/Nick Goode) Fear Street Part 1 1994Where stories live. Discover now