Chapter Six

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I was so embarrassed; Nell and Simon came in as Bo and I were locking lips. They actually walked right in as I was letting out a moan. I could feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment, as Bo just smiled and shook his head. He didn't seem to care that his friends just witnessed us in the middle of a passionate kiss.

"Don't stop on our accord, we can leave for a little while and come back, sir." Nell said with a wide grin on her lips. I pulled the blanket up over my face and tried to hide from the world, only to have Bo pull it back down.

"Don't be embarrassed Francesca, you were letting your feelings be known, and you should never run from them." Bo said as he brushed a hair from my face. "I am going to head out with Simon; Nell is going to stay here with you. Is that okay?"

He was asking for my input, why would he do that? "I guess it will be fine. Will you be long?"

"Should't be, you didn't have that much and between Simon and I, we should be back quite fast. Is there anything that you need me to bring back for you?" Bo asked as he fished his truck keys from his pocket.

I thought for a moment. "I guess just clothes to wear when I get out of here tomorrow, maybe my bathroom stuff, you know, like shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, that stuff." The thought of Bo going through all of my belongings was making me uneasy. He was going to be seeing all my most delicate items. I really did not want him packing up my underwear. "Maybe you should take Nell with you for those things."

Bo laughed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it Frankie, I will be as discreet as possible. If it makes you feel better, I'll ask your mom to do that for me instead."

"That would make me feel better, thank you, Bo." He gave me one more small kiss, that still left me tingling before he exited my hospital room.

Nell took the seat that Bo had been sitting in and her smile never left her. "I can tell you are holding something back, spill girlie." She demanded.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Nell. I am not hiding anything." I honestly didn't know what Nell was alluding to.

She turned to face me more and cocked her head to the side. "Oh come on Francesca, I can tell that you really like Bo. You should not be bashful about it, he likes you, too."

I was shocked; someone like Bo couldn't like me. Maybe as a friend, but not as anything more. I mean, sure he had kissed me, but that didn't really mean anything. From what I knew, men often made moves on women that they didn't really have feelings for. They were always so focused on sex, they didn't seem to care where they got it. I could not let Nell know that I had such hard and deep feelings for this man, I barely know him and he could be a criminal for all I knew.

"Really Francesca, I see the way that you look at him and he was going mad without you there after you left to go home. He REALLY likes you and I think that you should give him a chance. What could be the worst that happens?" She was so persistent that is was making me angry. Why would she just not let this drop?

I laid back onto the bed with a hard grunt and rolled my eyes. "Come on Nell, let it go. There is no way that he would like someone like me. I'm fat, I'm ugly, and not even my own family wants me. I can't see Bo liking me as anything other than a friend. I'm not stupid. I know that men don't settle down with girls like me."

Nell then slugged me in the arm. "Don't you ever talk about yourself that way! You are beautiful and he sees that. All he talked about while you were gone was you. He has it bad for you Francesca and I can tell that no matter how hard you try to fight these feelings for him, it's not going to work."

"First of all, ow, and secondly, can we please let this drop? I would like to be able to talk to him about all of this before I talk to anyone else. So, let's change the subject. How has everything else been since I saw you last?" I didn't want to talk about my feelings towards Bo anymore and I only hoped that Nell would catch on.

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