Chapter Twelve

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I never would have thought that the Pack would accept me the way that they have. Some have invited me to their houses for lunch and dinner and a few of the younger women have asked me to go shopping with them. That is where I ended up a few days later, dress in jeans and flip flops and walking around the local mall with Nell and a Pack member by the name of Lizzy, she was 21, married and had one son already and was telling me about how her husband Grant and her want another one right away, and their son Myles is only two months old.

As we walked the corridors of the mall, they pulled me into every baby shop and boutique that they had. Nell got Myles a cute little onsie that had a cupcake on it that read 'Mommies little sweetie.' I started thinking about when I was going to go into heat and what it was going to be like. I knew that now would be a good time to talk to someone about it. When we decided to get some lunch, I saw this as the perfect opportunity. We all sat down in the food court with our food. I decided to get a salad as I wanted to slim down a little, even though Bo keeps telling me that he loves me how I am, but I don't. So, salads it was for me.

"Hey Nell, can you tell me something?" I asked as I pushed the lettuce in my to-go container around, not looking up at her.

She set down her Big Mac and nodded while taking a sip of her Mellow Yellow.

I didn't know how to bring up the subject, so I figured I would just go for it. "Tell me what it's like when you go into heat?" I posed it more of a question because I wanted to give her the option of telling me if she wanted to.

She nearly spit her soda everywhere, but was able to contain herself and started coughing. "Um, well, I don't think I am the one to really tell you about it. I don't have my mate and haven't been marked, so I have not experienced it yet. But from what I have seen, it could be fun." She winked at me and I knew what she was talking about. "Honestly, I think Lizzy may be better at telling you about it than I would."

I looked over at Lizzy and she was mid-bite in her pizza when she realized that we were talking to her and looked up at us. She finished her bite and cleared her throat. "It would be an honor to talk to you about this Luna; I'm surprised that Alpha Alberto has not already discussed this with you though."

"Oh, he has to some extent, but there are things that I wanted to get from a woman's point of view." I completely abandoned all hopes of finishing my salad, this was far too important so I pushed it to the middle of the round table that we were seated at.

Lizzy thought for a moment before speaking. "Well, what has he told you?"

I gave her a rundown of what Bo had told me. About how I was going to crave him and how I could get pregnant. "What I need to know is when it's going to happen and what I can really expect."

"Okay, well you were marked on Saturday and today is Tuesday, so you have probably another six days or so. It generally takes about 10 days for the heat to take effect, but with you being human, that might be a little off. We could ask Melisa, she might have a better idea." She suggested.

"I could do that. I also want to know, are you pregnant for the full nine months or is it shorter?" I knew that canines had a shorter gestational period, but I didn't know if I would with Bo being a werewolf.

She snickered before revealing her answer. "I actually asked that same question when my mom sat me down for 'the talk' and no, you are pregnant for the same length of time as anyone else would be. It would look a little silly if you walk into a hospital to give birth and they ask how far along you are and you tell them that you are only a few months along. Thank the Moon Goddess that she worked that out."

"Right?!" Nell added. "I would not want to be the one to explain that."

We got a good laugh and went through a few scenarios of what might happen if it were a shorter pregnancy. I told them that I was now half tempted to actually do that when I have a child when I felt a familiar presence and I looked up to Lizzy who was bowing her head. I turned mine and saw a smirking Bo heading our way. I stood and greeted him with a casual kiss and noticed a few questionable looks from some girls at a table near us. I shrugged it off and pulled him to join us.

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