Chapter Twenty

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***Frankie's POV***

I did what Oliver had told me, and locked myself up in the office. I followed Simon's instructions and got into the safe. I still hadn't heard from Oliver, and didn't know how much money I would need to get Nell and the kids out of the local jail. A woman was knocking on the door repeatedly, begging me to let her in, but I was told not to let anyone in and I didn't know who she was.

"Frankie, I spoke with Alpha Bo, he told me to let you know that I need to get in to make a call to the Alpha of Red Sun. We need them to help take down the Pack that is attacking us. He said to tell you that Nell and Zack would be okay. He knows about Casey and Amelia and he's going to try to get home to you as soon as he can, but we really need to get help." She seemed desperate, and I wanted to believe her, but how did I know she wasn't part of the threat against us. "Bo is sending Melisa over here to be with you, Frankie. Please let me in. This is important."

"What's the Alpha's name? The one from Red Sun?" I asked her as I stood in front of the desk looking at Bo's list of contact numbers.

"Mitchel. His name is Mitchel Pearson."

"I will call him." I called out to her. "I will speak to him myself."

"No offense, Luna, but you should probably let me do it. I know the situation."

I ignored her and dialed the number. "Alberto, is that you?" A deep voice asked.

"Is this Alpha Pearson?" I questioned.

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Francesca Coleman. I am Bo's mate. It seems we are having some problems out here, and Bo has requested that you be contacted to see if you can help out in any way." I began.

"Frankie, tell him that Yellow Rock has attacked and is surrounding all borders." Stella yelled to me.

"Sir, it seems that we are surrounded by Yellow Rock, and they are not letting up on us. Is there anything you can do to help?" I pleaded.

"Francesca, why are you the one contacting me?" He questioned.

"Bo is out with the rest of the Pack. I am here at the Pack house dealing with another Pack issue that we have going on right now as well. Bo sent someone back here to contact you, and as Luna, I volunteered to help as much as I can from here. Please, sir. I need an answer. Are you able to help?"

"Please let Alberto know that I will gather as many men as I can spare without putting my Pack lands in danger, and we will head that way immediately."

"Thank you, sir." The line went dead.

"Stella, let Bo know that Mitchel and some of his fighters will be on their way to help. You can head back out there. Let Bo know that I love him, and that he needs to come back to me."

"Yes ma'am. Melisa just arrived, and I am heading back out. Stay safe Luna."

Soon, Melisa was knocking on the door and asking me to let her in. I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to her, knowing what she had gone through with her husband, and her kids. I couldn't hold her grief against her, but I didn't know how she could handle to stress of the situation that was evolving around us. Our "troops" so to speak, were out fighting a war against them from another Pack. I didn't have the details, and I was hating the fact that I was unable to communicate with Bo the way the rest of the Pack could.

"Frankie, please let me in. When Oliver calls, I'm going to have to go with you to the station. I am Zack's mother, and he's a minor. They're going to need me there." She tried to reason with me.

I gave in and unlocked the door, right as the phone started to ring. "Francesca here." I answered.

"Miss Coleman, this is Officer Oliver Jenkins calling from the Kensington Police Department." Hmm, twenty bucks said we were being recorded.

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