Chapter Sixteen

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I couldn't take being cooped up in the house any longer, so I made my way outside. I couldn't see Bo, or Sterling for that matter, and I was sure that he probably preferred it that way for the time being. I felt horrible for what I had said, and I knew that I was heard by many, because as I walked through the house, and through the yard, everyone was glancing my way and giving me looks of both irritation and pity.

"Miss Coleman, can I help you with anything?" Simon asked me quietly when he noticed that I was standing near the driveway, just a few feet from where he stood. "Do you need me to get Bo for you?"

"No, thank you Simon. I'm really sorry about earlier." I saw his cheeks brighten when he realized what I was talking about. "I didn't mean to be crass, or insulting. I don't know what's going on with me."

"If I may speak out of turn, ma'am? You're not the first woman here to lose her temper, and you surely won't be the last. I think you should sit down with Melisa and talk to her about how you're feeling. She's the only one here that can truly understand and explain it to you. We can't begin to understand, because this life is all we know. We meet our mate and, usually within weeks, we are mated and expecting. We don't have typical courtships, or traditional marriages. This has been our way of life for several generations, and as understanding as we are to outside traditions and ways of life, we sometimes forget that they may end up intertwined with ours." He took a deep breath, before turning three shades of red. "I apologize, it's not my place to be discussing this with you."

"Well, if you don't, who will? Not Nell, she couldn't get away from me fast enough this afternoon when I tried talking to her. Not Bo, he's not here. I appreciate that you had the guts to actually address me. Two days ago, I was just Frankie, and everyone here was so sweet and relaxed with me. Now I'm "Luna" and everyone trips over their own feet to get as far away from me as possible." I spoke openly.

"Frankie, this is something that we all need to get used to. We've never had a human Luna before. We know deep down that this is all new to you as well, but we may forget once in a while and need to be reminded." He smiled. "I hope that helps you."

"It does, and I am really sorry for earlier. Just because I was uncomfortable, doesn't mean I needed to make everyone else uncomfortable, too." Before I could say anything else, I noticed the change in Simon's stature. He stiffened up and drew in a deep but fast breath.

"Sir. I was just offering to come and get you for Miss Coleman." At Simon's words, I turned to find a shirtless Bo standing behind me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Well you don't need to find me, I'm right here." He glared at the man that I knew was not only his Beta, but his best friend. "If that's all, Simon, you can stop getting cozy with my mate."

"Screw you, Alberto. You know better than that." Simon retaliated.

"I know better?" Bo laughed roughly, almost scaring me. "Either you're trying to convince me that you wouldn't be turned on by a beautiful woman in heat, or you're insulting my fiancee. Either way doesn't look very good for you, because I know that you'd be lying if you said a woman in heat didn't affect you. You know I don't like being lied to, and you'd be crazy to insult my mate. So which is it?" Bo growled.

"Stop being an asshole, Bo. You know that I didn't lie, or insult Frankie. She can be a kind and beautiful woman without me wanting to jump her bones. We encounter nearly 100 women in heat each month, and I have never stepped out of line with any of them. Just because I haven't claimed my mate, doesn't mean that I'd ever try anything with someone else's mate." Simon growled back. "And for you to suggest otherwise really pisses me off. If you don't trust me, find a new Beta."

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