Chapter Seven

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I spent the next two days in the hospital, and in that time Bo and Simon took all of my belongings back to Bo's house. From what Nell said, they got my room all set up. Bo and I were in the truck on the way back to his house and I noticed that he was driving extra slow for me. Every single bump that we went over was like being stabbed in the stomach.

"Ow." I whispered under my breath as we went over a set of railroad tracks. Even if he was driving slow and trying to not jostle me, it was inevitable. As much as I wanted to not be tired, this simple drive was exhausting me to no end. Whenever I was just about to nod off again there would be another bump that snapped me awake. Bo looked over to me with a worried look on his face.

"I'm sorry Frankie; I wish I could iron out this damn road. The one closer to my house is much smoother, I promise." He held my hand and drew little circles on the back which caused my body to relax and the next thing I knew, I was being carefully carried into the house and up a set of familiar stairs.

"I'm awake Bo; I can make it up to my room on my own." I mumbled incoherently.

I felt Bo's chest rumble as he laughed. "If it's all the same, I would like the honor of placing you in your bed and tucking you in, Francesca." He said as he placed a kiss to my forehead.

I was not going to fight him, being in his arms I just felt so safe and protected. It just felt so right. "Mmkay..."

He turned and pushed a door open with his back and I opened my eyes to see the hazy world around me. The room was beautiful with pale yellow walls, a large bed that appeared to have been made out of tree logs that had to be at least a king and matching furniture throughout the room. I also noticed that my belongings were neatly placed on dresser tops and shelves.

"Thank you Alberto." I said as I continued to look around the room while being placed into the lovely and soft, no, heavenly bed. I let out a little sigh and Bo brushed a stray hair from my face.

"I'll let you get some rest; dinner will be in about two hours. Do you need anything before I let you rest?" Bo asked as he turned off the bedside lamp that had a base in the shape of a howling wolf and a matching one on the other table.

I pulled the dark purple comforter over me and carefully rolled to lay half on my back and half on my side. "I would love some warmth to help me fall asleep." No matter how cold I was, being near Bo always warned me up, inside and out.

"As tempting as that is, I do have a few things I have to get done before I dinner. Would a kiss help you fall asleep?" He asked as he leaned in over me with one knee on the bed and his hands on either side of me.

"I think I can live with that." He moved in closer and brought his lips to mine. As much as I wanted to pull him into me and never let him go, I knew I had to break the kiss. He had been with me for so long and I'm sure that there was a lot he had to tend to.

"Get some rest my love; I'll wake you when dinner is done." He gave me one more soft kiss to my lips and turned out the overhead light before exiting the room. I instantly fell into a deep sleep and I am pretty sure I didn't move a muscle until I was awakened by a dozen little kisses being placed along my neck and face.

"Can I wake up like this all the time?" I giggled, only to stop suddenly when I felt how sore I was. My last pain pill had worn off and I was really feeling it.

I opened my eyes, and saw Bo looking worriedly down at me. "Damn it, I hurt you didn't I?" He jumped up off the bed and turned his back to me. I could see his hands clenched at his side and he seemed to be shaking.

I slowly got out of the bed and cautiously placed a hand to Bo's shoulder. "Hey, I'm fine. I just shouldn't have laughed so hard. Are you okay?"

He let out a long deep breath and turned to face me. "I'm sorry; I just can't stand the thought of you being in pain because of me. No matter how minor it is. Make me a promise Francesca, if I am doing anything to hurt you whether it is mentally or physically..." He paused and seemed pained just at the thought that he could do me any harm. "Promise me that you will do anything in your power to stop me."

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