Chapter 9: The Walk Home

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Sakusa walked Atsumu home with the hands intertwined. " Ya really are sweet Omi" Atsumu said while giving Sakusa a big smile.
" Uh, thanks Atsu" Sakusa said then looking down.
" Why won't ya look at me Omi-Kun?" Atsumu asked.
" That's none of your business Atsu" Sakusa said coldly.
" Did I get ya flustered Omi-Omi?" Atsumu asked teasingly.
" No" Sakusa said while letting go of Atsumu's hand.
" Hey! Let me hold yer hand Omi" Atsumu begged.

" Your accent is really cute Atsu" Sakusa said turning to look at Atsumu who now was a blushing mess.
" Look who's flustered now" Sakusa said grabbing Atsumu's face to make him look at him. " Hmm, why won't you look at me Atsu?" Sakusa said getting closer to Atsumu.

" I-um... no one has told me accent was cute before." Atsumu said struggling to start the sentence. " A-also personal s-space" Atsumu stuttered. When he realized he stuttered he covered his mouth with his hand and blushed.
" You that nervous?" Sakusa asked while getting even closer then leaning down just a tiny bit so they were eye level. He took off his mask,  grabbed Atsumu's hand, and kissed it. Then added " Personal space never bother you before" Sakusa started walking again while dragging Atsumu in the direction of Atsumu's house.

When they got to Atsumu's house, Sakusa let go if Atsumu's hand and said "See you later Atsu" He turned to leave but Atsumu stopped him and kissed him on the cheek again and said " Alright see ya later Omi" Atsumu said with a bright smile.

Sakusa walked to his grandma's house blushing with a smile on his face too.

Sorry for this being short!
We have a lot of sick people at the house I'm staying at and one of them has Covid. So I'm wearing a mask right now and I really do feel like Sakusa right now😖 Other then that I'm fine and hoped ya enjoyed this chapter.

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