The narration!(Part 1)

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Well first Thankyousomuch for all the viewers to read this.Means a lot to me :*

The narration is done by the Anastasia Rose Steele,the female protagonist of the trilogy.She is a literature student which is evident by her description of all the situation.We can even see a distinct difference of language when the narrator changes to Christian Grey at the end of the trilogy.Though a small part we see how Christian sees life and people!

    The description Ana made can broadly be divided as

1.Christian Grey(the male protagonist) his lifestyle,grandeur and his dominant side

2.How she felt about Christian

3.Their intimacy

4.The Red room of pain and the dom-sub relationship.

1.Christian Grey,his lifestyle,grandeur and the dominant side

The description of Christian Grey makes every girl reading the book fall for him..he's rich,incredibly handsome and most eligible bachelor and Ana had to interview him for her roommate Kate

The line,- “
Mr. Grey will see you now, Miss Steele!"

breaths get hitched and..we await for how is Christian going to be..

Their first meeting was quite formal but Ana unknowningly made place for her in Christian's mind..

The way she described her state of mind-

" My heart is pounding.  The elevator arrives on the first floor, and I scramble out as soon as the doors slide open, stumbling once, but fortunately not sprawling on to the immaculate sandstone floor.  I race for the wide glass doors, and I’m free in the bracing, cleansing, damp air of Seattle.  Raising my face, I welcome the

cool refreshing rain.  I close my eyes and take a deep, purifying breath, trying to recover what’s left of my equilibrium.  No man has ever affected me the way Christian Grey has, and I cannot fathom why.  Is it his looks?  His civility?  Wealth?  Power?  I don’t understand my irrational reaction.  I breathe an enormous sigh of relief.  What in heaven’s name was that all about? "

The way she describes Christian to Kate-

"He's smart polite,intense and very intimidating!"

She describes her situation,feelings in such a manner that you don't feel like keeping the book off and do anything else..

She makes you fall in love with Christian Grey all over again again.His features,his posture,the way he looks at Anastasia,the intensity of his eyes,the x-factor that intimidated Ana like none other,his lifestyle,his overall presence has a deep effect on Anastasia.Clearly the author has created a complete frame of a girl thats spectacular,relative and live.


I guess each of the description would make one part.I love writing my thoughts down.Thankyou for reading ;) :)

Till then :*

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