The feeling of void

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Well this is the last element of the book.
It has been overwhelming to write and the response was rejuvenating..
I thank you all for reading my thoughts and I loved the comments too :)
So here's the feeling of void...

Christian always got what he wanted.Christian left his submissives when they demanded more.Christian was devoted to Elena so much that he made the lifestyle his whole being..The BDSM relationship that he thought was the full proof plan to avoid intimacy in any sexual relationship.The rules were know and the limits were taken care of.

Christian had the complete control of his life,his company,his relationships,his decisions,everything.Never did he think that a 22 year old brunette could makes his life take a toss.The literature major student not only wanted more but also made him think over his so called coping mechanism altogether.The fact that he thought Elena was the center of his universe changed since that lady crossed his path.

Even after not signing the BDSM contract he showed his very secret and ended up breaking his own rules.The sexual relationship was kinda changing into a romantic one.Christian thought he was losing control.Well that was true.He often reminded her that he wasn't a hearts and flowers person and that he wasn't the man for her.He reminded of the relationship they were in,the safewords,to use it if she feels off the egde.The authority and submission.He always tried to tell her his position.Yet the stubborn girl fell for him.

She fell for him so much that she wanted to see the worst of the punishment possible.If this isn't love then what is?The 22 year old who knew nothing about any kind of sexual relationship,who was a virgin to begin with,had full faith in Christian that she wanted to see how worse things can get.
Even after knowing that he is doing what he is good at and at the request of Ana.Ana just doesn't seem to understand that that is what is a BDSM relationship where the one that surrenders has to suffer.There's a pleasure in pain.

Christian on the other was a void until he met her.He acknowledges that he became alive after meeting her but the feeling of love is still not well suited for him yet.The way Christian has been was challenged by Ana on each and every step as they took it together.

The feeling of let going wasn't acceptance to both of them.They had to take time to comprehend and analysis what happened between him.Ana had to understand the level of brutal and harsh Christian's dominance can get and Christian had to know that Anastasia is head over heels for him and Somewhere even he has this tiny little thing that keeps him wanting her again and again.

So overall Fifty Shades Of Grey is a overwhelming book,a good journey through the adolescence to maturity..stopping at a clever hiatus,the author sustains the curiosity of the reader.

That is fifty shades of grey .

Thank you so much for reading this :)!!

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