The Narration(Part Three)

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3.Ana and Christian's intimacy

Ana is throughly inexperienced about the sexual part of her life.She wasn't into anyone throughout her life so far.It was only Christian who made it through all the men to peruse Ana to agree to a sexual relationship to a consenting BDSM or Dom-sub relationship as they call it.

Being unaware and immature about the whole physical pleasure thing,all aspects of this relationship was a completely unknown territory for Ana.

This Relationship.The contract.Christian's demeanour was all out of her understanding and wit.

He was unfair,intimidating on many levels.In short only Christian had that effect on Ana.

The night when Christian proposed the relationship,Ana was in no-clue-why-does-this-mean-so-much-to-him phase.Her bewilderment is yet another driving force to the readers.

   One sentence of him has a tremendous effect like

“No, Anastasia it doesn’t.  Firstly, I don’t make love.  I fuck… hard.  Secondly, there’s a lot more paperwork to do, and thirdly, you don’t yet know what you’re in for.  You could still run for the hills.  Come, I want to show you my playroom.”

Her feelings are very convincing as she clearly has no idea what's she in for.

The contract discussion meeting is a point where they intense intimacy but mentally..her self control is awfully commendable as to the description  where Christian has a effect on the complete female race.

The playroom part shows her pleasure and also increases her curiosity to know why Christian is the way he is.

The playroom scenes and the silver ball part get us off the edge both wet and hard.The author without using any vulgar language has given away the best of her imaginative power and insight.

Christian intimidates Ana on many levels.His naked feet,his eyes,the way he moves his hands through his hair,his fifty-shades-of-fucked-upness,everything blows her away and she falls in love with him all over again


It's really very overwhelming to write down my thoughts about this literature piece.
I'm a newbie to writing and thank you all to read all this from your busy days.
Till then

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