Ben Wa balls

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These balls Have.Great.Significance.

Being unknown to the world of BDSM I found these silver balls something absurd and weird.

Maybe because I didn't know that this kind of intimate relationship does exist in the first place.

Well,talking about the silver balls in FSOG are the first element of their Dom sub relationship after spanking.But spanking isn't a part of BDSM I guess.It can be incorporated in any intimate relationship.

These balls are inserted in the female genital for the pleasure of both the Dom and Sub.

The sensation of these balls was very different to Ana.Good different.

The movement of those balls in her genitals took her to another level and we can experience the anxiety and wonder in her description.

The feeling of having something in you which moves is highly arousing and intimate.

Christian on the other hand was quite considerate and patient when it was his sixteenth submissive.

At first I was wondering what these silver balls are.I had to Google it.Knowing the Google meaning made the things more clear and distinct.

In closing,

The whole scene for sure either makes you wet or hard.That's one peculiar thing about E L James writing,she keeps it erotic yet romantic,details yet not vulgar.

The Ben Wa balls are one the toys that Christian uses on his subs.




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