ꨄ︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7.2... 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞 ꨄ︎

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     The next day I walked to school with Teru, and Kou to show my posters, and ideas. They both nodded in agreement and recommended me stuff.

      As we went to school we all went our separate ways while me and Kou hang up posters for choosing me for secretary. We didn't see many students as it was a hour before school starts.

    "(y/n), I have to go! I just forgot I have to give my science teachet something!" he handed me my flyers before walking away.

  ♫︎ ♫︎ ♫︎ ♫︎

     On my way to the new school building I bumped into Akane. He smiled, and pulled out something out of his bag to reveal (f/s).

    "Here! I bought you three of them! I would like to thank you for finding my true love!"

     "Oh thanks! What do you mean by True love didn't you know that Aoi-Chan was your true love?"

     "Oh I didn't tell you about this! But me and Lemon are dating! I figured out he is my soulmate!" He said showing a picture of Lemon pecking him on the forehead.

      "Oh really? Congrats on finding your soulmate!" I said, a bit disappointed he didn't end up with Aoi.

      "Anyways, whats that your putting on the walls?" He said pointing to the flyers.

      "I'm running for secretary!" I said, handing him a flyer.

       "Good luck! I heard the person your running against is really popular, since she's from America." He went back into his bag and  showed his flyers. " I'm not running for secretary, but rather Vice President!"

       We spent a couple of minutes of minutes together when I decided to go to the classroom. I got a piece of gum and started chewing it. I walked down the stairs when I heard someone speaking in English.

      "This bitch actually thinks she can go against me!" The blondie said. Oh gosh, here we go again. They weren't lying when they said she's annoying.

      I ignored her walking past her, grabbing the gum in my mouth and sticking it on her uniform. I mean, I'm not that cruel to stick it in her long ass hair.

      As I went down more stairs I went to my classroom, noticing the couple and Aoi in tears.

     "(Y/N!)" Aoi said, "I thought Akane loved me! He always confessed to me!"

      "Eh, he confessed to you many times and yet you rejected him."I said, handing her some candy from my bag.

      "I just wasn't ready yet though!" She said, accepting the grape flavor lolipop and placing it in her mouth.

        "You should of told him though? You guys could of like planned it. Ehh the way I word was weird ew." I said, mumbing the weird part.

       "Even in a situation like this you don't even support me!" Even more tears were spilling out of her eyes.

       'Crap! Please don't cry! I really don't like it when others cry...'

        "I'm sorry Aoi, the word slipped, can you forgive me?" I tried calming her down, though the apologizing was sudden.

        "Its okay... and your kind of right..." she said.

      Lemon noticed me and gestured to come over to him, I walked over towards him and he gave me high five?

      "You are so cool, I thought that love was nothing. Come play Mario Kart with me tomorrow, here's my number."

     "Thank you?"

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