ꨄ︎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 33... 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐮𝐭𝐞 ꨄ︎

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           "Oh him. Well, Im sorry to say this, but I can't get fired. I'm his... favorite."


               Okay, okay. I know I'm going to far, and yeah... but like gotta live life to the fullest. Plus aren't I the favorite, either way? I'm the only child.


          The lady angrily went into the castle and I continued staring at the sky.

          A couple of minutes into staring at the sky, a flying mailbox came into my room.

         "Hello, you must be (y/n). We've received mail from your house thats directed to you. You have two cards."

          The mailbox gave me my mail before poofing away. I opened the later. One was a stupid school letter and the other was from Hanako? The fuck he know my address. Wait Kou probably put it in the mailbox.

        I opened the letter.

        'I'm sorry. -Hanako'

         I laughed, hun I ain't taking apologies. Imagine just saying 'I forgive you for pointing a knife at my neck!'

        I found a pencil and paper and started writing.

         'Omg!! Yeahhhhh I totally forgive you for pointing a knife at my neck!

          -your favorite person, (y/n)'

          I looked around how do I summon a mailbox lmao. Actually nah ill give it to kou and he can give it to him. I looked at the clock it was 7. It doesn't hurt to sleep early right?

          Right as I was going to bed, my dad entered letting me know its time to eat dinner. I followed him to the dining room and there was mom.... and that lady.

        The lady widened her eyes, 'it's her who disrespected me! That servant! Go fire her!"

         My dad laughed, "She isn't no servant, she's my daughter."

         Mother joined in, "What made you think she was a servant Madam Haki?"

         "Well!! Her clothes are entirely different! And her manners are just soo-"
         I piped in, "Madam Haki right? You know by saying that your basically asking for death right? After all he is the owner of this castle."

       "Ah, I'm sorry... its just that I've never heard of your father, Esmeray having a daughter."

        After she said that, the food entered and dad changed the conversation. After dinner, mom escorted Madam Haki out and dad walked me back to my room.

       "(Y/n). Tomorrow morning you'll be learning magic. Because you're-"

        "A wizard!"

         "No, you're magic is fading away according to Madam Haki. She's a supernatural who has power. And don't worry, she not mean. She can only tell how much others have power if they're mad. Just know she's really sweet, and I  guess as you say a rich wine aunt. "

         "Wait... is that why here voice is familar?"

          "If your thinking what I'm thinking then yes, she was the person who gave you money every month."

            "Um... no I was gonna say she sounds like a aunt from a movie I don't know. But cool! I know something new today!!"

           Dad laughed and told me to go to bed, as tomorrow we'll wake up early to learn magic. Spoiler alert i woke up early, but dad didn't until it was 12 in the fucking afternoon.

          "*yawn* Heyy, wake- oh your already up."

          "I thought you said to wake up early?"

         "I did? Its 12 so its early, I'll order someone to send you some training clothes. Once you master everything, I'll send the best designer to design a outfit you want"

        "Can it be badass?"

        "Sure!! Its your ourfit not mines. Traininh is in two hours, I really need some food." He walked away, and the echos in the halls can be heard.

         After he left, a perssn gave me a training outfit. I'll try explaining it the best I can. The best explanation is that it really looks like the hoarde cadets outfit from shera the princess of power, but the white turtleneck is black.

        Not going to lie this outfit literally looks amazing in me. I was admiring how I look, and looked at the clock in the wall.

        Fuck, how do you read clock again? I don't remember, I should really get a clock with numbers.

        I sighed, and looked at a small string which was hanged from the wall. I wonder what this does? I pulled it, and it made a small ching sound.

       I was confused, dang does this make music??? I pulled it more and chimes of different notes were heard.

       Suddenely, my door busted open. There was a servant, they looked distressed.

       "Is there anything you need, young master?"

        Oh. So I can call servants with this? Nice.

        "Um... yes, instead of calling me Master, please call me queen. Oh and how long is it till my training takes place?"

        "Yes, queen. Your training takes place in 35 minutes. Dont worry, as Esmeray will come pick you up."

          "Oh okay, thanks. Alsooo, can you give me a clock with numbers? I cannot read clock."

           They gave me a nod, and left the left room. So 35 minutes? What can I do in 35 minutes??

          An idea popped in my head, let's explore the castle!! Without shoes, if thr floor is marble, I'll just slide in my socks.

        I opened my door and headed towards whatever strange-looking hallway I can go through. I looked through the room, each one unique.

       "Hm... so this room is full of doors? Unique."

        I peaked my head inside and closed the door. Everything was going cool until I heard a servant yelling.

         "Esmray's daughter! Look throughout the castle, she's gone missing!"

           I had a evil smile, instead of just telling them I'm here, let's have fun and see how long they can find-

           "What do you mean, she's right here." His voice was quiet.

           I turned around and was shocked, thankfully no one hard him. Like I mean, I want to have fun... it was only just starting..! I raised my fist and hit the back of his neck.

         He dropped to the floor, "Ugh, what was that for?"

        "Shhh!! Can you see I'm trying to have fun here? So I can't be found out soo, how can I make you pass out?"


           I hit the back of his neck just like in the movies, and he passed out. Finally, I dont want to get caught, the fun was barely getting started.

        I quietly ran down the halls, and told myself whatever door I see next is the door im going to stay in until I get bored and leave.

        I saw a door, and went inside. I took a deep breath and looked around the room I was. It was a room full of instruments.





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