Just One Yesterday

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Its been a couple day since the incident Pete was pissed at Brendon and hasnt talk to him since he came back, everyone is in some sort of funk, these people better get it together we have a show to perform, the only person that is sorta okay is Andy i think his friend Kat is coming to the show tonight and i can tell Brendon is excited as well even if he is not showing it, Brendon has always had a crush on Kat and kat has always had a crush on him but they wont confess there love to each other which is bull crap, i feel that if you fall in love that just come out and tell someone even if they dont like you at least you did it, but hey i never really been in love before i mean i have had girlfriends but it wasnt true love.

I walk over to the lounge to where Pete was staring out the window like it was his job "Pete its only me" i wisper yell, he looks at me with a slight smile "you alright mate" Pete asks me "i should be asking you that question".

"Patrick" i shoot my head up "thanks for getting to Karla when you did if it wasnt for you she probably be dead' he says as his voice shakes, i slightly smile "have you spoken to her" i ask Pete and he shakes his head "you know its gonna happen Pete get your rocker ass up and talk to her she needs you Pete she needs her brother"

He looks up "thankyou" he says, i nod "now go talk to her while i go kick joes ass in Call of duty" he laughs at my comment and then he was gone.


I was lying down on the bed staring up at the ceiling until i hear footsteps come in and stop at Pete and I bunk someone opens the curtain, its Pete "can i talk to you" i hear him say in a quite voice to make sure he doesnt wake Andy up "sure" i reply he lays next to we are waiting for someone to speak first the tension was growing between us until i decied i should be the person to speak first "im so sorry for everything Pete i know this is not the way you want to start your tour off, im sorry for cutting im sorry for storming im just so sorry"

"Karla you scared the living day lights out of me please dont ever do that to me again please promise you will stop" "i promise". We hug eachother tightly like we havnt seen eachother in years but i didnt mind it.

"if you guys are done with your brother sister talk can you go into the other room im trying to get some sleep here" we hear Andy say "shutup asshole" Pete yells back at him which makes me laugh "right back at you" Andy replys "thanks for ruining a great moment" i say "no problem girl anytime" he said in his most girly voice which is kinda creepy because it more girly than mine.


The door opens and the Wentz sibilings come bursting through the doors Karla sat next to me and wispers into my ear "can we talk privatly" i nod quickly and give my X-box controller to Pete.

We walk into the next room which is the Kitchen. Not long after i close the door behind me Karla starts speaking "i dont really have any words how to thank you for saving me from those guys" i sit next to her as she leans her head on my shoulder "dont sweat it i would do anything to keep you save" "i know" she says to me.

I catch her looking at my guitar in the corner of the room "want me to play something for you" "you dont have to if you dont want to" before she even finished the sentence i grabbed my guitar and started singing.

"I thought of angels chocking on their halos get them drunk on rose water see how dirty i can get them pulling out their fragile teeth and clip their tiny wings anything you say can and will be held against you if heavens grief brings hells rain then id trade all my tomorrows for just on yesterday"




Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now