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For some reson every time when we go on tour i cant sleep i hate it, usually i sleep for 4 hours then thats it and thats why im sitting here in the lounge staring out the window of the bus, i seem to be doing this a lot.

I hear the lounge door open and its Karla "Hey Patrick" "hey" i wisper yell "watcha doing" i hear her say as she is handing me a bottle of water " not doing much cant sleep like always".

"Is Brendon healed from the other night" i ask "umm...pretty much he has a scratch above his eyebrow and a huge bruise on his arm but thankfully it can be covered by the sleeves of his shirts,also i dont think Pete is angry at him anymore whitch is good" she answers me back.

"Patrick" she asks "yeah" i answer back "are you angry at me" "why would i be angry at you" i say as i raise my eyebrows "because i asks you about your past in cutting i didnt mean to get you angry", "im not angry at you Patrick i was just tired and being stupid", she just nods and sits down next to me.

We sit there in silence thats when for some fucking reason i grab her hand like i couldnt help i couldnt contain my feelings anymore, she shoots her head up and we just sit there staring into each others eyes for like 2 minutes that when i start to lean in.

And thats when i wake up, I shoot straight up and hit my head right into the top of the bunk "shit" i yell not meaning to wake anyone up "Patrick you alright" i hear Kat say "Yeah im fine sorry if i woke you up" "Nah you didnt wake me up i have been awake since 5:00" i hear her say.

I start to feel my head and of course im bleeding it might be a small cut but it hurts like hell, i jump out of bed and head to the mirror on the door to check my head and it bleeding pretty bad "shit why Patrick" i wisper to myself.

Kat hops off the top bunk she comes over to me and sees the mark on my head "yeah i dont think your alright Patrick come to the kitchen there is a first aid kit there" Kat says, i simply nod my head and head to the kitchen.

i sit at the table Kat gets some cotton ball and soaks them in water and dabs it on my head "Hey Patrick can i ask you a question" "sure" i answer back "do you like Karla" "what makes you say that" i try to say in a honest voice.

"i know when people like each other i can tell you like her and i know she likes you" she says, i just chuckle at her comment "does that mean you know Brendon likes you" i say in a sassy voice "Yep Brendon is not that good at hiding his emotions" "do you like him back" i ask as she is cleaning up the wound on my head, "you could say that i really like him but it takes time for things to happen i guess im waiting for him to make the first move" "why dont you make the first move" "im a very traditional person i feel that it is only right if the man makes the first move".

"Makes sense" i tell her "thats why you should try and make a move on Karla i have been talking to her about you and everytime i even mention your name she blushes and i try not to laugh cause she looks like she has sunburn".

"I do like her i mean i really like her but i dont think its the right time for us maybe after the tour or never im fine with it" i say in a serious voice "Patrick i have been in the same situation as you have and the longer you keep it bottled up it will hurt and when its finally to late you feel like shit".

"you know what Patrick i really want to be with Brendon but its hard when the dude that you are in love with is a famous singer that has millions of fan girls that would kill me in a second if they found out that we were together".

"you love him" i ask "yeah i do love him and honestly i dont know why im telling you this i only have told Karla but its good to talk to someone about it".

"your lucky its not a bad cut its minor but in your best interest when you are on stage i would cover it with you hair because fangirls would think you are dieing"

Kat packs up the first aid kit and puts it back in the cabnit and starts to walk out but i come out and say "hey Kat thanks" she just smiles and answers back "think about it Patrick i know you love her and even though you cant admit it to yourself yet you aint fooling anyone".





Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now