These kids aren't alright

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Anger washed over me i needed to get out of that place i couldnt see them i needed to get out so i did i started running as fast as i could but not fast enough because Brendon catched up to me "hey stop you dont need to talk to them but at least be civil" i look at him and im just so tired that i just give into him "fine" he smiles and we wait for Pete and Patrick to catch up.

It was silent not a good silent i mean i love Patrick with all my heart and Pete to but they both hurt me and i might be able to forgive but i wont forget.

I trailed behind them a bit i didnt want them to see that im crying the tears were streaming out now Pete looked behind him and saw my face normal people would act like they werent crying but i just let him see me cry which was cruel but at the time i didnt care.


I distant myself from everyone when we came back to the hotel they all went into Patricks room while i just stayed on the balcaney i stayed there for about 4 hours until someone knocked on the glass door separeting the room from the balcaney.

I looked behind me it was Pete i didnt say anything i just turned back around and stared out at the city.

We sat there for about 10 minutes until i said something "sorry" he looks at me "dont be sorry im the one thats supose to be sorry your my little sister im going to protect you from anything i cried the whole time i was in that cell i knew what you were doing i know you to well".

"im hurt Pete im broken what did i do i just want it to stop please make it go away" i look at him hoping he has a answer that would some how heal me from my pain '' i wish i could Karla i wish i could but i cant" next thing i know he is pulling me into a hug and gripping on me with dear life i hug back and start crying into his shirt he starts crying as well repeating "im sorry" we stay there for 20 minutes just crying.


Pete and i fell asleep on the balcaney i didnt want to go back inside in a weired way i kinda feel free out here.

"shit what time is it" i ask Pete knowing he was awake "3 in the afternoon" he says as he sits up and looks at me "you know you need to talk to him" wow Pete thanks for getting to the point not "yeah i know just not right now".

"even though i wanted to kill him last night he loves you Karla more than you think at least you didnt have to share the same cell with him" "you shared a cell with him" i start to stretch "yeah didnt do much at first he was still pretty drunk but once he sobered up he started bawling his eyes out he went crazy in there kicking the walls punching them thats when they took him to a private cell cause they thought he would do damage to me".

i said nothing what was i supose to say "everyone is going to breakfast do you want to come or do you want me to smuggle something up here".

"i will stay here i need just one more day in this dump then i will leave this seat" i say to him "i will make sure to bring back some pastries" "thanks Pete" "anytime" and with that he was gone.

I need my computer but of course i left it in Patrick's room so i force myself to walk to Patricks room hoping that he was not in there, i open the door and spot my Computer on the coffee table and i quickly grab it, thats when i see Patrick on the balcaney sitting there i wanted to go back to my room but my legs werent agreeing with me and they led me straight to the balcaney.

I see him he still wearing the same clothes as a couple of days ago still smells like alcohol i sit there in silent im waiting for him to speak and eventually he does "i didnt mean what i said" "Patrick you might not have meant what you said but i doesnt mean it wasnt true i put you through all this i made my shit your shit and its not right i love you Patrick and those feelings are not just going to go away"

"i just dont know anymore Karla"





Young Volcanoes (fall out boy fanfic)-COMPLETED #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now