This aint a scene its an arms race

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FOB justs finished there second concert of the tour and even though they are all my friends i still fangirl  a lot, right after the  concert happened Kat came running after me like i was a peice of meat and she hasnt eaten in like a year "OMFG KARLA GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED" honestly i thought someone died "ok what happened" "I TOLD BRENDON I LOVE HIM" "WAIT WHAT YOU BETTER NOT BE SHITTING WITH ME KAT" i say thinking this is just one of her pranks, "no it actually happened and he said it back" "its about time girl, what made you say it when you did".

"i was talking to Patrick and for some reason after our conversation was over i couldnt keep it in much longer" she says "wait you talked to Patrick what did you say" "nothing he doesnt already know" she repiles back.

"what did Patrick say" i say. "nothing much but just know he cares about you more than anyone on this bus you to are gonna get together" "oh shutup" i reply back, and thats when Brendon comes up behind Kat and hugs her from behind and wispers something in her ear.

"im going to leave you love birds to be" . I start to walk into the dressing room but right before i enter the room i get a text from an unknown number "hey Karla remember me im one of the dudes that bashed up that douche bag you call a friend".

I start to panic and i look behind me and a guy is approching me shit what do i do, i act like i didnt notice him but thats when he got faster i started running and i bump into someone i start screaming "Karla its just me whats wrong" i hear someone say i finally reconize the voice and its Patrick i dont do anything but cry into his shoulder, he pulls me into a hug and wispers into my ear "its ok" he repeats that over and over again.

I stay there in Patricks arms not wanting to let go thats until i hear yelling that sounds like its coming from Brendon and Pete "Brendon calm down your having an panic attack calm down" i hear Pete say "no Pete im not going to calm down i see them fucking everywhere its like they are having fun out of using us" "Brendon we dont know what your talking about" "why dont you ask you fucking sister huh" Brendon says and thats when i escape out of Patricks arms and run to where i hear the fighting.

"Karla go away i will deal with this" Pete says, i shake my head and just stand there like a by-stander honestly i probs looked like a fucking idiot standing in the middle of the walk way.

I look at Brendon knowing why he is having a Panic attack i try running to Brendon but someone stops me in my tracks "Karla go to the dressing room with Patrick its ok" "LET ME THE FUCK GO DALLON" i try to push out of dallons gasp and eventually i do i start running towards Brendon "Brendon calm down Brendon look at me" he looks into my eyes "dont say anything Brendon i know i know whats going on wheres Kat" "i dont know" he says next thing i know he is crying into my neck and its so hard seeing Brendon like this and the olny thing i do is cry back.

"OMG Brendon im so sorry i didnt come earler Patrick sent me a text" i hear Kat say before hugging brendon she mouths to me "are you alright" i just shake my head and thats when i let go of Brendon and let Kat calm him down.

Someone grabs me and pulls me into a hug i knew who it was straight away "was it those guys again" i hear my brother say as he rests his chin on my head i nod my head and cry into his chest "i will protect even if it costs my life Karla" he wispers "i would do the same" i answer back "lets just hope it doesnt get to that point" "lets just hope".


Back on this tour bus again its only been a week and there is more drama then an episode of keeping up with the Kardasians.

When we got on this bus no one really talked to eachother everyone did there own thing and when i mean own thing i mean they all went to bed.

I get a text on my phone its from Patrick "you awake" "yep" i reply back next thing i know the door opens it dont even see who it is cause i know its Patrick "wanna watch TV" Patrick says as he sits ext to me i dont answer him i just grab the remote and turn on the televison we watch a couple of episodes of simpsons and we turn it on the news channel "BREAKING NEWS CONVICT BOBBY DALLAS HAS BEEN RELISED ON A GOOD BAHAVIOUR BOND''.




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