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i walked into the house with a smile on my face, quickly mom and lilac rushed from the kitchen to now standing infront of me

"did you pass" they both question at the same time

"yes!" i manage to say before the three of us all break out into squeals

"oh my god my baby is growing up!" says mom as she hugs me, lilac following suit

to be honest, i really didn't think i was going to pass the test, but i did.

*• flashback •*

"rosa i swear you'll pass the test" lilac reassures me

"yeah, just stop stressing. it'll make things worse" violet's says in her usual calm and relaxing voice

"just breath" violet says

"what if she doesn't pass the test?" raven, one of violet's friends say

both lilac and tristan send her a glare, violet ignores raven's words and continues attempting to calm me down

honestly, i don't know why raven is here, she's kind of a bitch

but what if i don't pass the driver's test

if i don't pass, that's embarrassing

if i do pass, that means i'm better than everyone else

*• end of flashback •*

"c'mon, we totally have to celebrate" lilac says, dragging me out to my new car with mom following behind

*• *•* •*

it's now monday, which means the start of a new week.

i rushed downstairs alone, lilac's parents are off of work for the next week so she'll be staying there for a couple of days, then she'll be returning back to my house for another 3 months before her parents decide to show up again.

sometimes i felt bad for her, her parents are never in her life, her siblings are either in college which means she like never sees them or are dead, which sucks

but then i remember she doesn't even like her family

mom isn't home either, she's helping her friend move into there new home somewhere in santa monica

i grabbed a banana before slipping my shoes on and walking out the door into my car

*• *•* •*

as i stepped out of my car and once i stepped inside i was greeted by violet

"rosa, we have to talk" violet says, and for once in my life she doesn't sound calm

"what?" i question, glancing at her before getting pushed slightly by some stoner

"hey watch it!" the boy says

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