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rosalind monroe's pov

"rosalind, calm the fuck down. it's only a 3 week suspension" raven says on the other line of the phone, clearly annoyed at my complaining.

"don't tell her to 'calm the fuck down' it's a 3 week suspension! she has a right to be stressed. first of all she won't get to see us, well tristan, violet and i. not you raven; she doesn't like you. plus she's going to miss her little lovergirl cher-" lilac says, but i cut her off.

"lilac shh! i don't want people finding out about that" i whisper yell at her, hoping raven didn't hear that.

recently raven decided to begin talking to the person who made me and raven mutuals in the first place, violet. both lilac and i agreed that we don't like raven much but we didn't want to be rude and decline her call. you may be asking how i was allowed to be on the telephone in the first place, i wasn't. mom isn't home right now so lilac decided to disobey moms rules and force me on the phone with her.

"oh my god, you like cher! isn't that the cutest thing. it would be a shame if cher were to find out though, wouldn't it?" amber says innocently

"since when were you here amber?" i ask, with a questioning look on my face.

"since the beginning of the phone call at first. now let's get back to the subject of you liking cher, what do you like about her? as a dear friend of-" amber says but i quickly cut her off

"friend? friend?" i say, laughing "cher doesn't like you amber, neither does dionne, or tai, or really anyone. all you do is talk shit about other people, and would it really be a shame if cher were to find out? she'll find out eventually, and she'll find out how close i am to beating your ass. so don't say a fucking word to her about any of this, got it?" i say, threatening her. lilac and i were really shocked at my outburst, but she deserved it. she's been such an asshole and will probably find pleasure in the fact she can do something so minor to piss me off so quickly.

"well she doesn't like you" amber says. i could since the smile on her face, she knew she was wrong.

"yeah liked she'd tell you. the second someone tells you a secret you'll go spreading it around? you really think she'd trust you?" i argue back, though i'm sure cher hasn't directly told amber that she likes me, but with ambers big ears of her i'd assume she could hear cher's confession about from a mile away.

"she doesn't like you, serious. i doubt you even like girls, it's just a phase. without a father figure in your life i doubt-" she says but gets cut off by raven "amber don't"

"-you lack the straightness a normal person should have" she finishes, even though raven tells her not to.

"what the fuck did you just say about my best friend, i swear to god i'll beat your ass. those karate classes didn't pay off for nothing" lilac says, finally snapping at amber.

"oh boohoo, you don't have a proper home life either. your parents don't give a shit about you, neither do your siblings. so you guys should really except having no future. and for you rosalind, as the lesbian you are rosalind moon monroe, your family will be really disappointed when they find out, they'll even be more disappointed when you end the family bloodline. a bloodline that has been going on since humans ever existed and boom, you'll just be destroying all of it, aren't you ashamed? and for lilac, you're to traumatized by your dad hitting you that you'll ever trust a man" amber continues. how the hell does she even know lilac's dad hits her, does lilac's dad even hit her? i don't know.

"amber what the hell, get the fuck out of my house" raven says, getting even more angrier from what i can tell

"amber, let's meet by the park after school. we need to have a little chat, deal?" i say before slamming the phone on the stand. i already know she'll show up. she may be dumb but isn't dumb enough to know avoiding it won't do any good.

"what are you planning on doing? you're already suspended for getting in a fight, you don't want to risk it anymore" lilac exclaims with a worried look on her face

"i'll make sure amber throws the first punch, then it'll be labeled as self defense and amber will get the bigger punishment if it even goes that far into beating her up, i doubt the police will get involved. and if they do, i'll have someone record secretly" i respond. and as i think more about my words i wonder what the hell is getting into me, first i get into a fight and now i'm about to beat another girls ass. i can't back down, i'll look like a pussy and show amber that i am one.

that's when we hear the front door open, mom must be home. shit! i race to turn off the bedroom light as quietly as i can while lilac runs to her bed, pretending to sleep.

i then rush to my bed and lay down, closing my eyes and hoping mom doesn't suspect us and come into our room.

and that's when i really thought about amber's words. my dad isn't here, he doesn't care about me, i'm a sick lesbian who's about to end a family bloodline. i should just avoid the lesbian thoughts get pregnant by a good wealthy man and have tons of children. then the bloodline won't end. i don't love cher anyways, i've only had feelings for her for a few days.

i don't like cher.

i don't like cher.

i hate cher.

i'm not attracted to cher.

i'm straight.

i'll marry a rich wealthy man and have tons of children.

my dad doesn't love me.

i'm not a lesbian.

i'm a disappointment.

and that's when the tears come.

published :: april 1st 2022
this chapter was a bit sadder than the others, i feel bad for rosalind. amber's a bitch.

- sincerely, rielle <3

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