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rosalind monroe's pov

i can't believe i'm saying this, but i think i have a crush on cher horowitz.

recently i've been staring at her in class, looking for her in the halls, thinking about her more, and blushing whenever she talks to me. i mean i shouldn't like her, we're both girls.

"rosalind what are you doing? you've been staring at the ceiling for 3 hours. what's up?" lilac asks, barging into my room

"i think i have a crush on cher" i tell her

"cher, you mean cher horowitz, the sophomore?" she stays, choking on air in shock. to which i reply with a nod.

"holy shit i never thought this day would come! i knew you liked her, and she likes you too! i mean the way she looks at you. cmon rosa you got to ask her out" she begs.

"i'm calling over violet and tristan. we've been basically betting when you'll confess you like her"

"no, NO! don't call them. i don't want them telling anyone, i'm embarrassed"

"what are you to be embarrassed about? if it's because your both girls then don't respond, that's a dumb reason" she states

"no, i just know she won't like me back. that's why"

"she obviously likes you back. why else would she always be talking to you and asking you to hang out. i see the way she looks at you when you're not looking. she's always blushing when you're around!" she says, trying to convince me

"ask her out rosalind" she begs

"i will, fine, eventually.. just don't call over violet and tristan. it's to late. we have school tommorow and i should be getting ready for bed. i'll talk to her tommorow. i'm not even sure of my feelings" i tell her, silently praying she doesn't tell a soul my secret.

*• *•* •*

my silent prayers didn't work because the first thing i heard when i sat down in 1st period is "so you finally admitted your feelings about cher to us huh?" tristan asks with a smirk, while violet was by his side smirking aswell.

"i told lilac not to tell you guys god!" can't she ever listen. i mean i love her but god please stop spilling my secrets.

"you're acting as if we'll tell anyone. besides, cher likes you back. so even if the word did get around and cher found out about your little.. crush, there wouldn't be a single problem, if anything you guys would most likely begin dating" violet tells me with a smirk

"she's right. i swear we can like predict the future; we all knew you'd end up liking her" says lilac, now joining the conversation.

cher then walks into class looking for her friend, probably to tell the new gossip to.

i wasn't wrong, she was going on a full story about something i guess she was really interested in. and the entire time i was staring at her, admiring her.

yeah, i really like her now.

violet snaps her fingers in my face "earth to rosalind~" she says in a teasing tone

"what if she's straight?" i question. looking down.

"believe me, she isn't. do you just not see the ways she looks at you?" tristan asks, raising his brow and leaning in.

"she's in love with you"

"class is starting! ms. horowitz, you should probably go back to your 1st period now" the teacher says, ruining my blushing moment at the thought of cher liking me back. tristan and violet turn around the face the front of the room while lilac grabs her notebook from her binder and begins writing what the chalkboard says.

the entire class time i couldn't focus and only think about cher. it's crazy one day i'll fall asleep not caring much about a person and i'll wake up with them being on my mind the entire day.

i need to make my move. if my friends really are right about her liking me back then i should make the most of it and take my chance before someone else does.

*• *•* •*

1st period took forever. but when tristan and i walked into 2nd period i decided to walk up the cher and ask if she wanted to hang out with me this weekend

"cher, i was wondering — would you like to uh, hang out this weekend?" i questioned as i looked at her.

she didn't reply, with a shocked look and her face being red. shit- did i do something wrong?

i was about to say something but she beat me to it saying "uh, yeah. would you like to go shopping on sunday?" i hid my smile and nodded

"what time?" i asked

"12:00pm, then maybe we can get lunch? is that good?"

"yes, very good" i said with a confident nod and walked back to my seat. i feel my ego being boosted.

"what'd she say" tristan says with a smirk as he looked at me. i'm pretty sure he already knew my answer, i caught his eavesdropping on cher and i's conversation.

"don't act like you don't know tristan" i said with a small chuckle

"yeah yeah, fine, she said yes. but that's so good! that means she likes you? i don't know why you're so scared she doesn't like you"

"i'm not scared, well not anymore. who knew asking a girl if she'd like to hang out could boost my ego so much!"

"don't get to cocky rosalind, i heard she doesn't like people who are too confident. i really should give you advice, i'm good at this" tristan says smiling.

"don't get to cocky tristan" i said, teasing him as i repeated his words from earlier.

"alright kids, class has started. you two better be paying attention" said the teacher as he pointed at tristan and i. recently tristan and i have received the reputation of talking to much when we aren't supposed to. so it has become a daily thing where mr. hall tells tristan and i to pay attention at the beginning of every class.

*• *•* •*

"so basically-" lilac says, beginning her story about some scary incident she witnessed while in the bathroom. though she was interrupted when dionne and tai ran up to me.

"rosalind! we have a serious issue between cher and elton!" dionne says, tugging me away.

"sorry guys" i tell lilac, violet, and tristian as i shrug my shoulders as i get pulled away. they send me understanding looks as they continue walking.

"i'll tell you the story later!" lilac yells.

"what's wrong?" i ask concerned

"elton and cher are fighting, and i think it's about you!" dionne says worried, pulling me even further as i start speeding up.

when we get to the scene i'm in complete shock.

what the fuck?

published :: march 25th 2022
cliff hanger ;)

- sincerely, rielle

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