22 | PLAN

630 24 2

rosalind monroe's pov

i decided i'm going to ask cher out this week, which we are now in the last 2 weeks of school. i made a whole plan and everything to do it. my idea is small, cliché, but i'm sure cher will be happy about it. i'm not letting anybody in on it no matter what, not even lilac.

i picked a place and now i just need to pick a date, there has to be good weather. her and i will be outside for this.

i decided to write my plan out on paper, and since lilac is with her biological family for the day this is my perfect chance to do it, nobody will ever find out.

"rosa- holy shit you're writing, i thought this day would never come!" mom exclaims with a shocked expression on her face. "but wait.. what is something so important that you're writing about it?" she questions with a suspicious look on her face.

"just a school project, yeah, haha" i tell her

"in the 2nd to last week of school? what kind of school is that?" shit i didn't think about that, uhhh.

"y'know how i was suspended, so we had a huge project that i missed and i need to get it done" i say, exaggerating the huge and the need in my sentence to hopefully make it more believe able.

"uh huh" she says suspiciously as she closes the door slowly. i mean atleast she closed the door, sometimes she leaves it wide open.

i continue back to writing, so far the paper looked good, very organized. one corner was where i'd ask her and under it will be the date that i still need to decide.

i set my paper down and head downstairs to check the weather on the TV hoping i can see when it will be nice out and when it won't.

may 22nd : rain and scattered thunderstorms
may 23rd : cloudy with a 40% chance of rain
may 24th : sunny
may 25th : sunny
may 26th : mostly sunny

i'm narrowing it down from the 24th and the 25th. i'm not busy on either of those days and i want to ask out cher as soon as i can. i'll call her and see if she is busy, that'll help.

i dialed her phone number and she answered "hi rose!" she said cheerfully, i smiled at the sound of her voice.

"hey cher, i was wondering if you are busy on the 24th or 25th?" i asked, praying that she wouldn't be busy.

"i'm not busy on the 24th or 25th. why, what's up?" she asked.

"oh uh i was wondering if i could take you somewhere after school. y'know, like a little date on the 24th?" i asked. i mean one of us had to be bold in order for this relationship to work out and i guess that person is me.

"oh my god sure!" she replied, i could practically see the smile on her face.

"alright, how about i drive you to the date right after school ends?" i ask

"of course, now i have to hang up. bye!" she says, but she doesn't hang up?

"holy shit dionne, guess who just asked me out for a date?" i hear cher say, did she really forget to hang up?

"i already know who it is but to make you happy, who?" i hear dionne say in the background. i doubt cher would act this excited over anyone else asking her out so it was pretty obvious it was me.

"rosalind!" she squeals and i can hear her jumping up and down.

"no way!" i hear dionne sarcastically reply back

"i have to plan the wedding, how many guests will be there, how do i tell dad i'm in love with a girl, how many kids are we gonna have, where will we live, who will be the god parents of our future children?" cher exclaims.

i decide to hang up with a huge smile on my face, but as i turn around to head back upstairs i see mom.

"sooo, who are you going on a date with, rosa?" she says as she raises a brow with a smirk.

"oh uh haha, nobody special" that's such a huge lie, cher is more than special.

"then why are you smiling like an idiot? tell me who it is! when can i meet him, or her. i hope it's a girl, you have a bad taste in men" she says.

"uhhh it's a girl named cher! remember the girl that came over for that project at the beginning of the school year, that's her" i say nervously, confessing something to my mom that i have been nervous about for ages.

"oh cher horowitz! i was friends with her dads wife" she says

"was?" i ask, are they not friends anymore?

"oh yeah, was.. she died when cher was just a baby. i was good friends with her, she loved her daughter more than anything" mom explained, i looked down. i never knew about this, poor cher.

"hey, put your head up. you should be happy! the girl you clearly have a huge crush on is going with you on date. are you planning to ask her out?" mom asks, a smile on her face.

"yeah, yeah i am" i respond.

i really am.

published :: june 12th 2022

-rielle <3

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