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cher horowitz's pov

i wish rosalind would notice me more, what doesn't she see in me? maybe dionne is right, maybe she is straight and is interested in elton.

i wish i was elton

"cher stop frowning, if you want her to notice you then do something about it! you can't just sit around all day waiting for her to notice you" dionne stated

"you're right, but what should i do? dress up more, be louder, flirt with other boys to get her attention? what should i do?!" i questioned

"omg.. cher, TALK. TO. HER. you really are clueless" dionne basically yelled, which made me flinch slightly. she's right though; how would flirting with other boys get her attention. she'll probably think i'm some straight slut and won't find any interest in me.

"i wish i was as bold as you dionne"

*• *•* •*
rosalind monroe's pov

as soon as i took my seat in 2nd period cher horowitz walked up to me with a smile. i'm shocked.

"hey rosalind, i was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend? like go to the movies or something?" cher asks, with some blush on her face.

"actually, she's going to be busy with me. so you may want to back off" elton says, glaring at cher as he attempts to push her to the side.

"since when was i going to be busy with you elton? we never planned anything about hanging out this weekend?" i stated confused, elton and i literally neved said anything about hanging out, ever. is he getting me confused with another person or something?

"uh- well like.. we were planning on going skiing.. remember?" he stutters, probably trying to think of something to say.

"we live in los angeles elton, what do you mean by skiing?" i state

"anyways cher, i'd love to hang out with you this weekend! what day and time are you free?"

"i'm free around 11am to 4pm on saturday. do you want to go swimming or find a movie around that time?" she asks which makes elton huff angrily and walk away back to his seat. elton's a baby, definitely not the one.

"maybe we can find a movie to watch then go swimming and all that?" i suggested, to which she happily nodds and walks back to her seat smiling.

*• *•* •*

when cher and i walked into the movie theater she was holding onto my hand as if it would save her life, which i didn't mind - but i was confused to why.

we took our seats and began watching the movie, which happened to be a horror movie, aka the type of movie i've learned she hates.

"shh" i whispered to her, trying to get her to shut up after she literally screamed, i didn't want to disturb the movie theater any more. people were already giving us dirty looks.

"you're acting as if i can control my screams, i'm scared!" she whispers back before flinching and fortunately, not screaming. though when she flinched she accidentally hit me which hit someone next to me's drink.

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