chapter eight

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Let the games begin

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Let the games begin

AS AMARA WAS RAISED INTO THE ARENA SHE couldn't help but sigh as her hands shook. She looked beside her where Basil was, hoping this wouldn't be the last time they seen each other. They both discussed splitting up and then finding each other later so, that's what they planned on doing.

If, they both made it past the cornucopia.

Then, the girl glanced to her other side where Creed was already looking at her, he smiled faintly before turning his attention to the front, their pods hitting the ground.

The girl had sixty seconds to come up with her plan of action, would she listen to Blaise's advice and run away immediately? Or would she try to get a weapon. The girl sighed before finally making her choice, she'd run and hope to god that the sponsors gave her a good weapon, or just hoped that someone would drop something she could use.

Again, if she made it past the cornucopia.

When they were released, the girls heart started pounding, she knew there would be a group working together so she had to stay as far away as possible. She also knew how to run, and how far her legs would carry her. The girl started to sprint immediately, her feet taking her pretty far, however, her heart dropped upon seeing Creed and Mercy heading right towards the Cornucopia.

"It's okay, you're okay, you'll be fine, they'll be fine." She muttered as she ran directly into the woods, not letting herself look back in fear that her three friends would be dead if she did.

The girl headed further into the woods and once she thought she was safe, she leaned against a tree and caught her breath. She needed to find water, or some type of pack, maybe she'd sneak back to the Cornucopia once things settled, maybe she'd go to sleep and wake up while everyone else was resting.

"Think, think, think." Amara held onto her hair, almost pulling it out as she let her nerves get the best of her. The girl sighed, nodding her head slightly as she turned to go find a good sized tree to hide in.

Unfortunately, she bumped straight into someone.

"Look what i've got here." Oliver Tituban grabbed onto the girl, holding her arms tightly as she struggled under his grip.

"Let go of me." The Reed girl said through gritted teeth.

"No chance, i'm going to kill you." When Amara looked up towards him, the boy was covered in blood. "and i'm going to enjoy it."

"Do it then." The boy was taken back by the words as the girl furrowed her brows, now yelling. "Do it, then! Kill me!"

"Shut up." Oliver placed a hand over her mouth as footsteps approached them, leaves crackling under someone's feet, he looked back for one moment and that's when the girl took her chance.

She elbowed the boy in the stomach, catching the knife in his hands before it fell as cannons from the deaths at the Cornucopia went off. He lunged forward, trying to attack the girl as she backed away in the other direction, all while keeping an eye on the area surrounding her. The cannon fire continued, the deaths just mounting higher and higher.

"You are going to have to try better than that." Amara knew that her and Oliver could only hear each other, her moment to kill him rested solely upon the loud noises that exploded around them.

If he yelled after that, everyone would know where she was.

"You aren't going to win against me." The Tituban boy grinned, running forward as Amara positioned herself back, flinging the knife in her hand forward.

It took Oliver a moment before his body realized the knife had penetrated his forehead. Once it did, he fell to the ground just as the last cannon for the deaths at the Cornucopia went off. He was the first person Amaranth Reed had ever killed, and he wouldn't be the last.

No words would escape Amara's lips as a simple tear went down her cheek, the girl stepping forward and extracting the knife from his head. It was harder than it looked but once she removed it, the girl surveyed the area before turning back to him and stealing the supplies he had gotten just a few moments before.

"Rest in peace, Oliver." The Reed girl bent down, shutting his eye lids before standing up again and walking away.

One cannon went off in honor of him as she walked off, trying not to let the guilt of killing somebody take her over completely. She knew there was no reason to feel guilty, he was trying to kill her, after all but, the pain of taking someone's life was one she'd carry with her forever. Even if she liked it or not.

"Find a tree, find a tree, find a tree." Amara looked above her, spotting a type of berry she knew was edible. There was also enough leaves to hide her for the night, and now that she had the Tituban boys supplies, there was no need to  head back to the Cornucopia.

The girl quickly scanned the area once again before stuffing her bloodied knife into her bag and throwing it over her shoulder. She then ran over to the tall tree, using all her strength to push herself upward, gripping tightly onto the branches that helped her on the way up. Her stomach was already grumbling, after a week of humongous helpings of food, she needed more and berries was as good as she was going to get.

"Hello, beautiful." She mumbled as she rested on a sturdy tree branch, reaching over to pluck a handful of edible berries. She then rested them in her lap, looking into the bag for something to keep her steady until coming across a rope.

She loosely tied her waist to the rope, knowing that if she needed to escape she could.

"Dinner time." The girl promised she would speak to herself, if she didn't, she'd probably go insane.

As she popped and red colored berry in her mouth, Amaranth knew that these games would be the death of her. Even if she managed by some miracle to win, her mind would never be the same after this. Her heart would never be as strong.

Because that's what the games do, they ruin people.

Here's a short little filler chapter until the real stuff starts happening, i'm honestly holding back sm because I don't want my faves to die lmao.

Who do you think Amara's final battle will be with?

Hope you enjoyed<3

Hope you enjoyed<3

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