Chapter 11-

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Chapter 11-

It seems that I have been staring him down for eternity. I have no idea what to say or if there is anything that I can say in response to his dramatic confession. I mean, I don't even know the guy and all of a sudden he kills me and then adds on that he is my father like it is old news. I don't even know the guy. I know his story but not him. I'm just tired and confused. Wait, how can you be tired if you're dead. I don't even know.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this Angel. I never meant for this to happen." He says tilting head down so the shadows are cast onto his face leaving his features indefinable.

I still am lost for words. There is only so much information a girl can take in the course of a couple of hours. I just don't know what to think about all of this but I guess I have to suck it up and move on. 

"What do we have to do sir?" I think just thinking of him as my mentor will be the easiest way to deal with the situation. Either that or I can call him father, even dad. No, I think it's a bit too early for that. I'm not in the right mindset for that right now.

"You really in for this?" He looks up at me with hope in his eyes.

"Well I don't have much of a choice do I?"

"No you don't but it would have been nice to think you want to join me because you wanted to get to know your father." He still looks hopeful. Poor guy he must have been through a lot.

"Sorry dude but I didn't sign up for this but now it is my problem so I gotta deal with it. Plus I already have a father." The first part is the truth but I lied the rest of it. His response was to laugh his ass off.

"I don't think you have figured it out yet but I have been watching you since you were born. You never have had a father figure in your life. Foster parents that don't give a rat's ass about you, don't count as father-figures Angel."

"You creep!" I exclaimed.

"You can't just go around spying on random people." I finish.

"1. You aren't random and 2. I have the right to keep tabs on my daughter." He pointed out.

"That's if you actually have a relationship with said daughter. We hardly know each other!" I shout at him.

"But I do know you Angel. I know everything about you."

"Now you don't only sound like a creep but also a downright stalker." I add to make my point clearer.

"Never mind that now, let's get down to business. We have to get you trained up for your first actually soul taking."

"Yay. I cannot be any more excited than I am right now Death." I reply, sarcasm oozing out from the tone of my voice. He has to have heard it.

"Haha very funny young lady, now let's get to work. How well can you teleport?" He asks out of the blue.

"We teleport now?" I ask. Maybe it was a stupid question to ask after all that has happened tonight.

"How else are we supposed to take all the souls from people who have died?" Yeah it most definitely was a stupid question.

"Ok how do we do this?"

"Well I have to show you the list first." Oh the notorious list. The one that holds all the power in the world. Or most of it anyway.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a crumpled up piece of paper. It looked old, aged and just like it should be chucked out because it's that orange/brown/yellow colour. It's just outdated and old.

"What's that Death? It looks as though it has been around for centuries."

"That's because it has been around for longer than that. Even more than a millennium. But that is beside the point this is now your life, well actually it's your death, but that just makes it all the more complicated." He then all of a sudden he threw it at my face. I, being the most skilled person I know, caught it with the utmost amount of grace a person can muster with ultimate reflexes like mine. Now take that sentence and think of the exact opposite and ta-da, you will have a perfect vision of my reaction to his sudden action.

"Good to know that you can catch." He spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Great communication skills." I spit back at him. To say I was angry would be an understatement.

"Who is your first person to take the soul of Angel?" He ignores my words of anger which in turn made me even more pissed off but I ignores him and unfolded the list and read the first name on the top of the page.

"Evelyn Adler." I spoke aloud. That name was so pretty I could almost feel regret for her but then again, being the selfish person I am suddenly felt no remorse for this poor, unfortunate old lady as I have also been put in this situation but in a different role to her. Hold up, how do I know her age range? Creepy.

"Now all you need to do is think into the darkest depths of your mind and vision her and where she is." He instructs me. I shut my eyes and began to rummage through my brain for any visualisation of this woman. But no matter how hard or how long I tried for, I just couldn't see anything.

"It's no use Death, I am just not cut out for this." I deadpan as well as sulk. I'm just hopeless.

"Now don't say that you just need to clear your head and think hard. I believe in you. You can do it."

"You should have been a motivational speaker you know that right?"

"Just concentrate Angel." I sigh in response and close my eyes once more. I begin to scan my brain once more for any signs of this woman named Evelyn. All of a sudden I see her, a lady with silver hair laying in her bed at a nursing home, sleeping peacefully.

"Okay I can see her. What now?" I say keeping my eyes shut so I don't lose this image of her.

"Now imagine putting yourself somewhere near her. It may be outside the place or just in the room itself. You should also be aware it's easier to get away with it if you are alone when taking the soul of someone. It's just easier that way."

"Okay well I'll try going outside the place."

"As you wish." He stated finally. Okay I can do this. I breathe in and out slowly evening my breathing pattern. I move my way out of the nursing home until I'm outside in the car park out front in my mind. I focus really hard on this vision and all of a sudden there is a small wind passing through my hair. I open my eyes. I'm in the car park I envisioned in my mind. Score 1 to Angel. Unexpectedly soon after I turn around to see Death standing, applauding me.

"Not bad for a first timer." He compliments me. I mean, I'm going to take it as a compliment.

"Haha very funny." I spoke sarcastically. "What do I do now?"

"I think you know the answer to that." I sigh again for what seems like the hundredth time today. Well here goes nothing.



Hey Guys and Gals,

Kind of a filler chapter but kind of introducing you to the way things go about with the whole 'taking souls' business. 

Hope you enjoy.

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

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