Chapter 1-

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 Chapter 1-

Dark brown hair, brown eyes and pale complexion. Plain, normal teenager. 

I have an urge to act like I despise and hate anything and everything around me. Though sometimes, I just wish someone could see through my tough exterior and actually get through to me. 

Oh well, I'm still content in not dealing with anyone. Being in foster care since I was born and forced into more houses than I can count would do that to you. Not having a stable family. Some place I could call my 'permanent' home. Yeah, it just sucks.

I'm just getting ready for school. It's 7 a.m. and no one is awake yet. I'm so glad. I don't like my foster carers, but not as much as they hate me. I don't even know why they are foster carers. I mean, if you hate kids, why become a foster carer? I guess it is the money that they get. Whatever, just have to deal with it.

I finally finish packing my bag. I go to the kitchen and look in the pantry. Ugh. What to eat, what to eat. Well nothing I really like is in here. Why so picky?

I close the doors and grab an apple from the fruit bowl and head straight out the door before anyone noticed I was there.

My school is only small. We are only in a smallish town anyway. So when I get there there are only the stereotypical nerds who have to get here at the crack of dawn like it was a law placed by the government, and the jocks who had practice in the mornings.

I usually get to school just before the crowd - no swarm - of students come and disturb my eardrums' peace.

I quicken my pace when I am inside the school. Rushing to get to the library and into my special corner, the one that no one goes to. The history of the town and Australia. 

Apparently something really happened back in the day in this town. No one really cares though, purely because we get it drilled into our brains every assembly, so we can practically recite it word by word from each of these books. Plus, if we needed to read on the history of Australia, we would just take history class. They provide all the copies from books the students may find useful.

There are a couple of students in the library at this point so I make a point to ignore there stares with a glare on my face. Aren't you just the picture of happiness?

I roll my eyes at myself and take out my phone. 15 minutes until homeroom starts. So I pop my earphones in and allow the music to take me away. 

"OW!" I wake up with a sharp pain rising in my head. I turn off my music and I hear giggles. 

I scoff and look next to me seeing a large but not too thick book that must've hit me on the head.

"If only I could..." If only you could what? Play the angry loner all you want, but if I'm really honest. No one could care less about you. Sorry, not sorry.

I check my phone. Oh no. Homeroom started 5 minutes ago. I have 10 minutes to get there otherwise I'll be in detention again. That isn't even the bad part. They will call my foster parents again. Now that, my friend, is the worse thing ever!

I ignore the pain in my head and race to class in record time. I still have 6 minutes until homeroom ends.

As I shove the door open and watch as everyone is staring at me. I give everyone a blank look. That is when I hear girls at the back giggling. I of course glare at them which makes them laugh more. 

"You're just in time Miss Mortem." Mrs Henry says with a slight chuckle in her voice. She is nice. But sometimes too nice. It's odd. She still believes in punishing those who have done wrong, but other than that she is really nice.

I give her a hint of a smile and sit down at my desk in the middle row by the window. Mrs Henry follows me and puts a slip on my desk and walks off. It read:

'Angel Mortem. 

Please go to the counselors office at lunch bring your lunch with you as well. 

From Miss Kite.'

Oh no. I mentally face-palm myself. Or, you could just do it in real life. That would be a laugh.

Who knows what will happen.



Hey Guys and Gals,

 I am Mikki and this is my first book. I am currently editing this book. So please bare with me and my mistakes. Don't hesitate to vote or comment. I love comments and reply to all. Thank you for coming along the journey of Angel Mortem. Enjoy.

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

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