Chapter 14-

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Chapter 14-

"Dad we have a problem."

"Wow that was fast, see you're getting better! I'm so proud of you."

"Enough with the talking and more of the explaining."

"What of?"

"Why there was a dude in a white suit collecting my spirit and taking it away!"

"Oh not again."

"What do you mean not again? Has this happened before?"

"We call them Lautus or at least him."

"What in the world does Lautus even mean?"

"Cleaner" That is when it hit me. We have seen names coming off the list for a while now and not known why. It was a puzzle to the both of us but we were sure they were just mistakes in the system but now we know the real culprit.

"So this cleaner, tell me more about him."

"Album is his name. I have encountered him once before and he helped me out a bit at first before your mother was even in the picture. They put a stop to it because he became corrupt and started stealing souls straight to hell and heaven without going through the natural process of purgatory.'

"Okay then so you're telling me we have a corrupt lunatic running around stealing our souls from under our feet as we speak?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you." I paused taking it all in. It then dawned on me.

"When will you be leaving me? Because you can't leave me to deal with this by myself." He hesitated, not a good sign.

"Well about that, since you have successfully-"

"NO DON'T YOU DARE SAY WHAT I THINK YOU'RE ABOUT TO SAY!" I shout at him, tears dripping from my eyelids.

"-done your first soul taking alone-"

"BUT I HAVEN'T I JUST GOT IT STOLEN FROM ME." I scream even louder and if I was anybody else I would have drawn attention to myself.

"-I'm going to have to go. Yes I know it wasn't fully successful but you knew what to do and you weren't scared and you answered all the questions asked properly."

"You can't do this to me. I only just got you back." I say finally defeated and coming towards acceptance.

"You'll be fine sweetheart." He says but I flinch out of his grasp.

"I thought I told you not to call me that."

"Yes, yes you did." He chuckles under his breath. I can't believe he did it, especially in a situation like this. Suddenly out of the blue a vortex appears in front of us. In the middle of the hospital car park. Oh no, oh no no no.

"It's my time." I run towards him and leap on him. Grasping him in a bear hug.

"Will it be safe Angel?" I don't know why he asks me this when he says the answer to that to every other person. I just guessed he knew. But I still answer him with tears dripping down my face.

"Yes it will be." I get off of him and look into his black eyes which have now turned a dark shade of brown. He comes back up to me and kisses me on the cheek.

"I will always be watching over you no matter what. I love you Angel." He kisses me on the cheek and then walks slowly towards the vortex.

"Please don't go." I plead with him.

"Bye Angel." He says as he disappears along with the vortex.



Hey Guys and Gals, 

I cried at this point. I know we haven't seen much of them together and bonding. 

However that being said, there is only so much of the same thing that can be said before it gets boring to read.

If you want. I can write a bonus chapter about them getting to know each other more.

Just let me know.

And also...

Thanks so much for reading up to this point. I really appreciate it. This book has become much more than a book that it did at the start. I'm loving writing it.

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

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