Chapter 17-

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Chapter 17-

"What's going on here?" I ask, really not wanting to hear the response.

"Where on Earth have you been these past few hours." One representative in black shot at me.

"Why weren't we able to reach you." Another in white fires at me.

"Are you even going to speak up for yourself?" Yet another one went off at me. Then they all started murmuring about things like, 'has she gone rogue like Lautus?' or, 'I can't believe we have gotten it wrong yet again.' Or even and it pains me to hear it, 'why did we have to get rid of Death, he was so much smarter.' And that's when my fuse broke.

"SHUT UP!!!" I all but scream at them all. At least I got the response I wanted. Dead silence. You could hear a pin drop in the room. If there was a need for pins in this room, which there wasn't... but that is not the point. This is the point.

"How dare you bring my father into this. This has nothing to do with him." I felt fed up that they thought I wasn't good enough to be the next Death but my father would have wanted me to show them who's boss so that's what I'm going to do.

"Now I'm the new Death but you can refer to me as Angel. Now what's all the upset over? Why couldn't you reach me?" They all started mumbling and murmuring again so I did what any other responsible person would do. I whistled - at the top of my lungs - at them. Loud. That seemed to die down the mumbling again.

"Okay, listen up. You'll be answering my questions NOW!" I progressively got louder towards the end of my sentence. Just for pizzazz. (*insert jazz hands here*)

"Now was being within a close radius of Lautus have anything to do with you not being able to reach me?"

"Yes that is a likely possibility." I couldn't see the face to match the voice within the crowd around me but it sounded as if it was in the distance.

"Care to enlighten me... um... who are you? Why can't I see you?"

"Because I'm back here dear and it was my fault he even existed in the first place."

"Well then with that information I would like to request for you to be seen... by me... please?" All of a sudden an old, lanky looking man in black came through a pathway between two younger looking men in black. Of all the Representatives he seems to be the first I have seen that looks as if he has aged. Obviously he hasn't but this is of course a new experience to me so give me a break.

"Okay now you see me, what would you like to know?" He asked distantly as if this whole experience was taking him back in time.

"Right... um... what do you mean you are the reason Lautus even exists?"

"Well it's a long story." He started.

"I have the rest of my death to hear about it."

"Touché. Well it all started with your father..."

"I know how my father was not doing his job then Lautus popped out of nowhere but how does he exist in the first place?"

"Okay I understand. So we had a discussion and I was the youngest one, well, the youngest looking one here. I came up with the idea that we could take a pure soul – like we did with Death – and create a "Cleaner" to... help Death with his endeavours and get him back on track. It was the only idea anyone could think of, well, that was thought to be better than mine, at the time.

"So we found this one child aged around 15 that died trying to save his brother from a car that crashed into the water. However, it wasn't Death that executed his death. It was us putting thoughts into his head to save his brother from drowning, we orchestrated it and we took his soul without Death knowing.

Angel Mortem, Death's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now