Chapter 15-

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Chapter 15-

I'm distraught. I mean. I thought for so many years that my father abandoned me but now knowing the truth, it all made more sense. To see him go. The look in his eyes. Heart shattering.

I have had no more encounters with Lautus, or Album or the cleaner. Whatever you want to call him. But all I know it that he has been taking my names off the list, and I do not like it. As my Dad pointed out he is corrupt and I don't want to have my victims taken from under my feet. Not to have their fate decided for them. Choosing where the do or don't belong is wrong and I need to find a way to solve this problem.

I look today at the name on my list. Frank Otter. Strange name but who's complaining. I visualise an ocean with a boat on it. Like a cruise ship. I think hard about this a suddenly there is a gush of wind and you could tell that the air has gone crisp. It's night time and all I see before me is a man walking supposedly back to his room. I wonder if he is married or has kids that'll miss him but quickly shake the thought out of my head. You can't think like that. Remember what Death taught you.

So as he goes to walk past me I touch him on the shoulder and as quick as lightening he fall in a heap on the boat's deck. Soon after his soul pops up and the vortex appears.

"What's going on? Who are you? Why is there two of me?" Then I dawned on him. "I'm dead aren't I?"

"Yes you are but its ok don't freak out you will be safe on the other side."

"Ok I believe you." Points to my charm.

"All you need to do is walk into that vortex and all will be well for you. You will start the process into being in either heaven or hell but you'll be fine."

"Thank you." He says as he finally walks into the vortex. Safe and sound he vanishes from view. Phew.

"You are something quite special Angel."

I turn around to come face to face with Lautus. White suit and all.

"Nice to meet your acquaintance." I say through gritted teeth.

"Now, don't be hostile Angel. It's not a good look on you."

"You would know." I mutter bitterly under my breath.

"What?" he asks amused.

"What do you want? And why are you taking my souls from under me?"

"Well sweetie, can I call you that?" I murder him with my eyes. "Haha, well it's a long story."



Hey Guys and Gals,

Sorry it is so short. 

Pretty much a filler chapter but you see a bit more of a taunting side to him.

Thank you for sticking with me. 

I haven't really said this before but please don't forget to vote and comment.

It means the world to me to see you guys enjoying my book and I would love to know what you like about my book.

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

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