Chapter 9-

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 Chapter 9-

Before I know it, it's Thursday. Where did that week go? Today's the day for Carl and my date. I'm so excited! Wait, date? No, it's not a date. It's just like any another day, it's just today I'm going to be helping Carl with his work. Nothing more, I think.

The periods of the day pass quickly before my eyes and I find myself getting more and more anxious as free period comes closer and closer.

I'm still hobbling on my crutches as I make my way to 3rd period. History, my favourite.

"Angel?" I attempt turning around but fail and fall over again. This is twice this week I've made a fool of myself. Even if I have no idea who this girl is. I try to grab my things and stand up but it doesn't work to my advantage and I just end up falling over again.

"Here let me help." I take my books in one arm and take the girls hand in the other. I only realise who the mystery girl is when she goes to pick up my crutches from the hallway floor.

"Tiffany?" She gets up and hands me my crutches.

"The one and only." An awkward silence spreads over the empty hallway as we try to look at anything but each other. After a while of this I reluctantly decide to break the silence.

"What do you want? I need to get to class." Bitchy much? Why don't you just hit her while you're at it?

"I'm sorry." She is almost inaudible but I just manage to hear it. A+ for my great hearing skills.

"Um..." I'm speechless. I have no idea what to say to that.

"I don't want to be your friend but I just want you to know that I am sorry." Without another word she turns around and walks off to what I can only assume is her next class.

"Well that was weird." I say to the empty hallway. I probably look like a lunatic right now, randomly talking to myself. But I was a lunatic long before now.

I suddenly realise that I am still in school and still have to go to class. I rush to class as fast as I can and still manage to get there late. Great! And to top it all off, my spot has been taken. Now I have to sit at the front of the class.

I make my way to the front of the class hoping to not disturb the teacher which I don't. Phew. Lucky me.

I zone out completely thinking about my date with Carl. I sigh a bit too loudly which ends up in me getting looks from everyone in the class. I stare down at my finger less gloves and pick at a bit of the material sticking out of one of the fingers. Just waiting for the commotion to die down.

Before I know it the class has ended and I'm the only one left in class. It definitely would not be the first time and probably not the last.

I make my way to my locker to get my books ready for free period and then as quickly as I can I make my way to the library. As I walk through the doors I look around to see if Carl is there. Turns out he isn't.

"Boo." I jump out of my skin and fall down again. Which makes the Librarian not very happy as she shushes me with extra emphasis on the shush. Why am I always falling down these days?

"Help me up now Carl." I shoot daggers at him while holding my arm out for him to grab so he can help me up. Which earns me the death glare from the Librarian and another shush session from her. He helps me up and we make our way to an empty table.

"So this is it." He says after a short while of awkwardly sitting around waiting to do something.

"I guess we should start getting to work." I add shortly after. Without another word we get our work out for the period.


"So A-Squared + B-Squared = C-Squared. Does that make it easier to work out?" I have gotten more and more at ease as our little date went along. I have helped him out to the best of my abilities and he is actually really good at Maths just hasn't had it explained to him properly.

'Bring Bring Bring ~ this is not a drill ~ Bring Bring Bring ~this is not a drill ~ Bring Bring Bring.' The emergency bell rang through the Library. That means someone is in the building.

"Wanna go check it out Angel?" It's almost as if he read my mind. As everyone runs for cover under the desks we sneak out into the hallway to check to see if anyone really is there.

"You scared?" He asks me as we are walking down one of the many abandoned hallways in the school.

"No are you?" Truth is, I'm scared shitless. I'm lucky I'm hobbling fine, somewhat.

"Yeah I'm fine." I don't think he is fine. I can see him twitching every so often. He probably is just as frightened as I am.

"Shh. Did you just hear that?"

"No I didn't."

"Shh." I swear I heard something.

"Let's go back. I'm starting to think this is a bad idea." I totally agree.

I second that.

"Yes please." We start walking and soon enough there is another shuffling before I find myself on the ground yet again.

"Ahh!!" When I look up I don't see Carl anywhere but I do see a hooded man sitting down about 2 metres away from me, and he has my crutches.

"Who are you and where is Carl?" I ask warily. I then look over his appearance and shortly after find that he is holding a gun in his right hand. That's when I really start to panic.

"Why do you have a gun?" I say while edging away as fast as I can while my knee almost kills me with the amount of pain shooting up my leg. He still doesn't answer but now he is on his feet walking towards me slowly.

I look to both sides of me and try to find an exit but my bad luck strikes again as I find no way out of this. I then try my second option, to run. I slowly get my good knee under me and push myself up so I can stand then hop/run away but as my knee is basically broken I end up falling for the umpteenth time this week. When will this madness stop?

I turn around and he has stopped in his tracks and is pointing the gun at me. I am truly scared out of my wits. I try standing up again but this time I don't move. I stay in the same position and take in a deep breath. I only have one more option.

"You do not wanna kill me sir. I'm too young to die. I have a family." No you don't hahaha. Liar. "I need to be alive..." Good one idiot.

He snickers. The man finally makes a noise, and it terrifies me.

"I'm sorry Angel."

"Wait, what?"




Hey Guys and Gals,

I loved writing this chapter. 

What do you think  about the book so far?

Stay Classy,

Mikki ;)

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