Chapter 19-

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Chapter 19-

Lautus looked down. Staring at his shoes like they were so interesting.

I just stared at him with pity. He had been through so much and he never knew. Now everything is so different with his past and present mixing together.

"What happened to you?"

"Apart from the fact that I died and then came back as someone who had absolutely no idea about what had happened. I don't know, maybe... A LOT!" He shouted the last part which resulted in me putting my hands up in defence.

"It's okay Fletcher. I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"No Angel, I should be sorry. I-I-I didn't me-mean to shout-t-t at you." He starts tearing up so I come up to him and engulf him in a hug.

"It's okay." I say in a hushed voice whilst stroking his golden locks which might I add, are incredibly soft.

"Can I ask you something Angel." His voice soft and gentle.

"Anything Fletcher."

"How come I forgot about my brother?" He says while pulling away to look up at me. "My whole life. I mean, it just doesn't make any sense."

"Are you sure you want me to tell you? Or would you rather the actual representative tells you." I ask unsure.

"No, I trust you will tell me the truth. I don't want them to see me vulnerable."

"Okay Fletcher. First you must promise not to get angry."

"Angel, I will not promise but I will try not to."

"That is good enough for me." I try to figure out where to begin, to give him the information as gentle as possible. But, I don't know how I can. So, I just say it how it is and hope for the best. "Well, your death wasn't an accident..."

I tell him the story that I was told by the old looking representative. Not exactly the words he used but in a way that a 15-year-old boy might understand. He stares at me with disbelief, shock and anger as I go through the story. When I finish, it takes him a long time before he speaks up.

"I want to see my brother." He states as if there was no point in arguing with him. There was only one more thing to ask.

"Is that what you really want?"

"Yes, it is." I knew this is what he would have wanted before I even got him here so I had researched his family and found out his brother's name was Frank Elbert Reeve better known as Frankie by close family and friends. So, it wasn't hard to find out where he lived.

I took hold of his hand and we popped into the front yard of a little cottage in what looked like a small town.

I looked down at Fletcher who was looking around trying to figure out where he was.

"This is it." I state softly looking down at him. "Now he won't be able to see you as you now are officially dead, however, he will be able to see me."

"Okay, can we go in now?"

"Sure thing." We walk up the driveway and I look down at Fletcher who is staring eagerly at the door we have now stopped in front of.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

It only took a few seconds for me to hear a woman yelling from deep inside the house.

"Frank get the door will ya!" She all but shrilled like a banshee.

"Okay. Whatever." A deep brooding voice shouted back at her edging closer to the door with each step he took.

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