The Letter

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So, I'm walking in the hall and Anna's chasing me holding tons of chocolate in her hands and guessing by the size of her jumpers pockets, there was loads more chocolate in them. As soon as she reach me she dumped the slightly melted chocolate into my hands. Well, most of it fell on the floor but the few pieces that landed in my hands suddenly cooled and stop melting. Anna shrieked in delight. She started saying something about my eleventh birthday party. Oh I had almost forgot. Oops, I'm so forgetful. I'd forgot the date. Oh, now I'm excited.

Then a maid came in to the ballroom we were stood in, through the lavishly decorated door with what looked like carved vines and flowers wrapped around it. She said I had mail. So me and Anna run through the corridors to where the maid told us the letter was. When I say run I mean I ran and Anna slid on the ice that was appearing on the floor wherever my foot was. I was so excited I couldn't control my powers. Me and Anna never get mail. Never ever.

I reach the door and a butler gives me the letter. On the envelope it says:
Miss E.Hime
Biggest bedroom on the second floor
Arendelle Palace

I looked up at the butler and ask who could have sent this letter- he just shrugs and says he doesn't know. I look back at the letter, the paper of the envelope slightly yellow and my name in emerald ink. I run my hand over the back of the rough paper of the envelope. I turned it over and ripped the envelope open.

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