The feast

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   As soon as the professor food appeared on the table on gold platers. Huge mounds of food. Hands reach for food from every direction and it becomes and all out war to get food. By the time most people have got their food I have a few scraps on my plate. Why is it so hard to get food, jeez I hope the food is nice WHEN I FINALLY GET IT!?!!?!?!?!?! I see that Harrison's small size conceals the bottomless pit of a stomach when he just keeps eating and eating..... and eating.  He eats more than any of the people around us. I take the first bite of the food , that I finally have(yay), it's delicous. Who cooked this I need to know their secret on how they make food taste amazing so me and Anna can eat this stuff at home- Anna would probably say it tastes like unicorn poo (what is wrong with her, food and unicorns). Al who has yaken quite a likeing to the bacon. Wait there's bacon! WHY DID NO-ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!?! It's like the most crispy and tasty thing I've ever eaten.

   When everyone has finish' another course comes, the tables fill with cakes,jellies, ice cream and sweets, lots and lots of sweets. I get a slice of cheesecake and try to eat it but I so full I can't eat more than half. Urgh, what is this, the best cheesecake ever and I can't eat it because I'm full. Rachael says,

   "Hi," I say hi back and she carries on by saying," this place is great. I mean I've known about Hogwarts my whole life my mum came here but she didn't say the food was this good, I wonder who cooked it." To this Catriona replied,

   "Good! Only good! It's so tasty it's unreal!" The professors shout to us to head to our dorms, first years follow prefects. We walk out of the great hall and start to groan because our full stomachs as we head up the marble staircase.

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