Professor Neville

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"Come on Elsa!"
   "Oh great!" Shouts Al,"Now you've got us lost and we're already half a minute late!"
   "Oh wow half a minute." I say. Al then gives me a death stare."And any why I thought it was this way. I mean they could have given us a map."A hand grabs my shoulder. I turn to see a short but cheerful looking man with sticky-out ears standing behind me with the goofiest grin on his face.
"Well Al should know his way round because his parents told him where things were but he has a terrible sense of direction."he says," I'm Professor Longbottom.So
are you lost Al?"

"Hello Neville... I mean Professor Longbottom." Stammers Al, then he mumbles" Mum sends her love." I hold in a giggles and Al gives my a death stare but his face is so red it just makes it more funny!
"Oh well isn't that nice. Send my love to her as well." says Professor Longbottom."This way to transfriguration!"

   He takes us round twists and turns and after about 30 I give up trying to remember which way we're going. We reach the transfirguration classroom. I hear a raised voice from behind the door. Oh no... Professor Longbottom opens the door and we step into our first magic lesson.

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