First Lesson

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Me and Al exchange worried glances and then we look sheepishly up at the teacher. She looks down at us while doing a great impression of a tomato.
"Sit down." she says sending spit flying. We hurry to the two empty seats at the back of the room while wiping the wierdos spit off our face's.
"Welcome to charms class!" says Miss weather woman sending a fresh wave of her drool on to the people on the front desks.
"In my classes you will learn the key skills to succeed in the wizarding world. Please turn to page 5 in your text books." There is a loud rustling as thirty books are quickly pulled out of bags and people quickly flick to the right page.

Most people have old looking,bent books. Al looks at my book to see the priseen cover and back at his that one of his brothers must have had because it has their name written on the inside. Then the teacher ( who is obviously annoyed with someone) slams a book against the table. I jump, shocked at the loud noise. I look down at my book and is no longer perfect. Ice is creeping onto the edge of the cover, appearing in a beautiful spiral pattern. It's beauty hiding the harm it could cause.
I look round to see if anyone saw but Al is just picking up the book he dropped when he fell off his chair. I laugh,trying to cover up the worry I have that's threatening to appear at any second.

"Today we will be gaining a theoretical knowledge on charm spells and what is needed to cast them." snarls the teacher who's name I am yet to know. I look at the page infront of me and to my horror it is full of writing, no pictures and in small print (We're all doomed)! So after an hour of looking through a magnifying glass to see the words me and Al wall out of the classroom like giddy hyenas.
"That was so boring. My first proper magic lesson and I nearly fall asleep!" Says Al.
"I know!" I say,"The lessons aren't all going to be like that are they?"
"Of course not! If they were my brother would have left by now and gone to a muggle school!" Says Al as we walk, while laughing and doing impressions of Mrs grumpybuttthecharmsteacher, to our next lesson.

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