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   I rip open the envelope, this is really hard because I'm trying not to jump up and down with excitment. Inside the envelope is another piece of paper the looks the same as the envelope, it even had the same emerald ink. The letter inside says:

                                                             HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY
                                                                             Headteacher: Professor Winster
                                                               (Order of Merlin,first class, Grand Sorc.,Chf. Warlock)
Dear Miss Hime,
   We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please read the list of needed items ,this includeds books and equiptment. Term begins the 1st of  September. We await you answer by owl no later than the 31st of July.
            Yours sincerely,
Neville Longbottom
Deputy Headmaster and herbology teacher.

   I stood there shocked, a letter for a school for magic. WHAT THIS IS EITHER THE COOLEST THING THATS EVER HAPPENED OR THE WEIRDEST OR BOTH.

   "Princess Elsa there is escort out side from the school to take you to buy your school equiptment, that is of course if you want to go." said the butler whos thin mustache was starting to bug me.

   "Of course I want to go how can you say if I want to or not thats the stupidest thing you could have ever asked. I thought you would know that about me because you've work here for like ten years!" I shout.

   After this minor freak-out he leads me out into the well kept, stone paved, yard and to a man who was taller than any man I have ever met before. He had the most bushy beard and black eyes that made me think of beetles. The man opens his mouth and with a booming voice says;

   "Hello I'm Hagrid, the grounds keeper and keeper of keys at Hogwarts."

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