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Jokune ran a worried eye over the dinner table. Everything was set. Jokune then went to his room.
"Nagito! They will be coming soon! You ready?" Jokune asked.
Nagito got out of the bathroom, his hair neat. Jokune was blown away.
"I had to use two whole bottles of hair gel. Does it look ok?" Nagito asked, sounding extremely paranoid.
Jokune hugged him.
"Looks great." Jokune whispered. Nagito hugged him tighter.
"Happy 15th." Nagito whispered, running his hand through Jokune's hair.
Jokune laughed and lead Nagito downstairs. Amon was downstairs. He saw Nagito and his eyes went wide. Jokune stared at Amon, his eyes as cold as ice. Amon looked away, not being able to hold his gaze. He still had no idea how Haise managed to do it.
He probably hates me now! Why! Why didn't I ask about his friends! Amon thought to himself and realised that Jokune was right in front of him.
"Uhm..." Amon said and cleared his throat.
Jokune raised an eyebrow.
"Come on Nagito, think we need to see the other guests." Jokune said, grabbing Nagito's arm and kissing him quickly before they both exited the room.
Jokune gave Amon a death glare before leaving the room.  Amon mentally facepalmed.
I tried to kill his boyfriend! Oh god!!!! Amon screamed in his head. Shionhara had warned him that Jokune's hate was the last thing he wanted and he only was standing nearby when they killed Kaneki. He didn't even know what would happen to him as he'd tried to kill Jokune's boyfriend.
Amon fell into a chair. Haise leaned in and whispered to Amon.
"I had a lot of trouble patching him up after you attacked him."
Amon looked scared.
"H-how did you-" Amon started and Haise raised a hand, indicating he wanted to be heard.
"Oh please! I know the work of Mado's quinque!" Haise said calmly.
Nagito and Jokune came back into the room. Jokune glared at Amon. Amon decided to go and apologize. Jokune analysed his movements carefully. Amon put his hands up. Jokune eventually stopped sheilding Nagito and returned back to Nagito's arm.
"I'm sorry-" Nagito raised his hand while Amon was saying this.
"It's ok, it's exactly what I hope to do when I'm a inspector." Nagito said calmly, Jokune was surprised that Amon apologised but wasn't letting go of Nagito.
"A-an inspector?!" Amon said, shocked.
Nagito nodded.
"Yeah, my family was outlawed ghouls so makes sense why you tried to kill me as well." He said, calmly.
Amon was surprised.
"B-but your-" Amon started but was cut off.
"I was kidnapped and made to undergo the quinx procedure, same as MiYu Suzuya." Nagito said cooly.
Amon looked down.
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know..." Amon said.
Nagito looked Amon dead in the eyes.
"Inspector Amon, It's best to avoid any weaknesses. After all, I will be an Inspector next month." Nagito said calmly, reaching his hand out for a shake.
Jokune smiled at Amon and Amon immediately felt relieved. He reached out his hand and shook Nagito's hand.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Inspector Kotaro Amon." Nagito said warmly.
"Same to you, Future Investigator Nagito Okasaan-Shiohl and you, Special Investigator Jokune Suzuya." Amon said, looking over at Jokune.
Jokune smiled and grabbed Amon's hand.
"Come on Mr Little!" Jokune cried, dragging Amon into the sitting room.
Amon groaned.
"I know that you're taller than me but I told you to stop calling me that!" Amon groaned.
Nagito laughed.
"He'll get over it within a year! He used to call me Mister Handsome." Amon laughed as Nagito said this.
Jokune noticed the two share a smile.
"Aunty Toukaaa!" Jokune yelled and gave Touka who had only just walked in a hug.
Touka grinned.
"Here's your birthday present! Happy 15th birthday!" Touka said, handing him a present.
"Is Grandpa Yoshimura coming?!" Jokune said excitedly.
Touka gave a sad smile and shook her head.
"He couldn't make it..." Touka said.
"What about Uncle Yomo?" Jokune asked, quizzedly.
Touka nodded.
"Yay!!!" Jokune yelled.
Amon stifled a laugh at Jokune's childish enthusiasm, a trait from Juuzou Suzuya. Yomo walked in the door, his emoionless expression still on his face.
"Hi Uncle Yomooooo!!" Jokune yelled.
Yomo gave a small wave and handed over a present. Haise walked out and recognised Yomo.
"H-hello." Haise said, giving Yomo a wave.
Yomo let a small flicker of a smile and sat down.
Once the party had ended, Nagito led Jokune to the room. Jokune sat on his bed, Nagito beside him.
Nagito tilted Jokune's face towards him. Jokune was confused at the gesture until Nagito kissed him. Jokune wrapped his arms around Nagito's neck, seeming to melt into the kiss. Nagito pulled away and asked for a dance. Jokune nodded, smiling. Nagito put on 'Magnet' and began to dance with Jokune. Jokune's heart began to feel as if it was going to burst. Nagito looked adoringly into Jokune's eyes. Jokune looked away and put his head on Nagito's chest. Nagito smiled and leaned down, putting his chin on Jokune's head. They swayed like this until the end of the song, where they broke apart. Nagito grabbed Jokune by the hand and pulled him close. Jokune looked up at Nagito, put his arms around Nagito's neck once again and kissed Nagito again. Nagito kissed back.
Later, Haise called them down for dinner. They walked down, hand in hand.

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