Poor baby

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Nagito fell off the bed, clutching his head.

"How much did I drink?!" He yelled.

Jokune picked Nagito up and laid him on the bed.

"Enough to say you wanted to keep me up all night loudly and in public." He sighed, grabbing Nagito's chin.

Nagito went crimson.

"Oh and that's when you had only just drank three bottles, you drank about twelve." Jokune said, sitting down next to Nagito.

Nagito looked down.

"I-I'm sorry..." He said quietly.

Jokune smiled, kissing his nose.

"That's ok... I will feel ready soon, I know it!" Jokune sighed.

Nagito gave him a hug.

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" He said, hugging Jokune.

"We'd better go out..." Nagito said before Jokune grabbed his arm.

"Yeah?" He asked Jokune who was red.

"C-can you touch me...?" Jokune asked.

Nagito was confused.

"I thought I was...Oh!" Nagito realised what he meant when Jokune pushed him onto the bed.

"Just touching... It doesn't escalate until I want it to..." Jokune warned, getting redder by the minute.

Nagito nodded and touched between Jokune's legs.

Jokune covered his mouth.

Nagito hurriedly pulled away.

"I-its gonna escalate if I keep going..." He said when Jokune gripped the bedsheets.

"You ok?" Nagito asked.

Jokune nodded, gripping his arms.

"It kinda... Turned me on..." Jokune said blushing.

"Not ready yet but I'm getting really close..." He said, grabbing Nagito's hand.

Nagito nodded.

"You don't have to push yourself, until you're ready..." Nagito said, brushing Jokune's cheek.

"Yeah... I know... I just... Feel like I'm holding you back, you've been so patient with me... I just... I don't know..." Jokune sighed, trying to explain.

"Hey! I get it! Don't worry! I can wait!" Nagito said, reassurance in his voice.

Jokune nodded, blushing.

"Something you're not telling me?" Nagito asked.

"I..." Jokune started and then looked down.

"I think, if you want to... You should be able to cut your hair... We're not under his hand anymore..." He blurted and then blushed.

"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to!!!" He exclaimed.

Nagito sighed.

"Yeah... I actually think I should..." He said.

"Can I cut it?" Jokune asked, jumping on the bed.

"Ok!" Nagito exclaimed and grabbed Jokune's legs.

This failed miserably when Jokune landed directly on his lap.

Jokune went bright red.

Nagito went pink.

Nagito put his hands over his mouth.

Jokune did the same.

"Wha-What are you doing?!" Nagito cried out when Jokune took off his shirt.

"W-we n-need to get d-dressed..." Jokune stuttered, handing Nagito a t-shirt.

Nagito was still red.

"Uh... Ok... I thought... You were doing something else..." He said, going redder.

Jokune went redder than before and started sweating.

"Uh... I uh... Think... I may... Almost be ready..." He stuttered.

Nagito grabbed Jokune's waist, pulling him close.

"It's ok... Once you're ready... You'll know." He whispered into Jokune's ear.

Jokune nodded, hiding his face behind his hands.

Nagito chuckled softly.

"You want to be touched again?" Nagito asked.

Jokune nodded.

"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to..." He exclaimed.

Nagito smiled.

"Don't worry, my sexual excitement is down low enough to touch you there again without it escalating... Unless you moan because then I'll maybe do something I'll regret... Having sex with you without your consent..." Nagito said slowly.

Jokune nodded.

"I'll just cover my mouth then..." He said, putting a hand over his mouth.

Nagito smiled.

Jokune waited.

Nagito touched him again.

A small, very muffled moan came out of Jokune and he went redder than before.

Nagito stopped and let him go.

Jokune uncovered his mouth and gasped in fresh air.

He turned away, gripping his hair.

Why do I want him to fuck me so bad now?! Must've been the touching... But... I didn't hate it... I'll tell him I'm sure I'm ready after breakfast...

He turned back to Nagito.

"Poor baby, you ok?" Nagito asked, kissing Jokune's neck.

"I-I'm fine!" Jokune squeaked.

"You're excited now, aren't you?" Nagito asked.

Jokune nodded gripping his...

"Let's wait until after breakfast ok?" Nagito said.

Jokune nodded letting go.

Next chapter shall contain the lemon!!!!

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