Old friends

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Jokune grabbed Nagito's hand.

Nagito smiled.

"You wanna go, don't you?" Nagito asked.

Jokune nodded.

"I want to see how Nahi is going without us..." Jokune said, looking at the poster.

Nagito nodded.

"Lets get the crew and we're heading to the circus." Nagito said, walking with Jokune's hand squeezed in his.

They walked back quietly, not saying a word to each other.

When they got back, Hinami threw a package to Jokune.

"SHIT!" Jokune exclaimed, trying to catch it.

When he finally caught it, he smelled it lightly.

"Hinami, I'm not a fucking animal, I can go without food for one meal..." he said, rolling his eyes and placing the package on the table.

"ONE MEAL? You skipped both breakfast and lunch today!!!" Hinami yelled, throwing the package back at him.

"BITCH!" he yelled, trying to catch it and hitting his head on the wall.

Kaneki laughed as he helped Jokune up.

Jokune grabbed his hand and when Kaneki let go, he fell again.

Everyone laughed and helped to pick Jokune up.

"What do you guys think about going to Nahi's?" Nagito asked.

"Hell nah, he killed someone before!" Hinami yelled.

"He's a changed man now!" Mayumi pleaded.

Hinami took a deep breath.

"Fine, I'll go with you guys..."

"Yay!!!!!" Mayumi exclaimed, hugging her.

"We'll go..." Kaneki and Touka said.

"Ok, well that's settled, we're all going!" Nagito said, grinning.

Jokune took a deep breath in front of Nahi's ringleader tent.

Nagito squeezed his hand and pulled him inside.

"Ruko!!!! Yumi!!! See who's there!!!" A voice bellowed.

A purple and raven haired girl and a girl with red-blue heterochromia walked in.

"Jokune? Nagito?!" Ruko shrieked, hugging the two in his/her arms.

"Hey... Ruko... Can't... Breathe!!!" Nagito gasped.

Ruko let them go.

"So, how's the dickhead?" Jokune asked.

"I only know one person who calls me that!" The voice boomed and the curtains parted to reveal Nahi.

"Oh shit, Jokune?" he exclaimed hugging, Jokune.

"Nahi, the fuck happened while we were gone? You're hugging the person you used to call a piece of shit!" Jokune exclaimed.

Nahi let go and sighed.

"Yumi was bullied for her heterochromia by one of the other acrobats, now she won't go near anyone except Ruko, she doesn't talk as much as she used to, except for performance time, she never leaves her room and she seems scared to be around me." Nahi whispered.

Jokune could see the genuine fear in the 14 year old girl's eyes.

"Hey, Yumi? It's ok! Nahi won't hurt you..." Ruko said, brushing her hair lightly.

"B-But, Luna said Nahi said I was a- a-" Yumi hicupped and then burst into tears.

Ruko hugged her lightly, resting her head on his/her shoulder. 

"You think the old fart would be trying to help you if he thought you were a mistake and-" He/she started before Nahi interuppted.

"WHAT?! LUNA SAID THAT?!" Nahi yelled, pushing past Jokune.

"Of course she fucking did, she's a bitchy simp..." Jokune said, rolling his eyes.

"Does she think I'm gonna date a KID?! NO!!!" Nahi yelled running to the acrobat's tent.

Ruko looked at Yumi and sighed.

"Want me to get Kaito and Gakupo?" He/she asked.

Yumi nodded.

Ruko quietly left the room

When he/she came back, Gakupo and Kaito were following soon behind him/her.

"What's wrong Yumi? You want a hug?" The two asked.

Yumi nodded and hugged the two.

Kaito seemed to notice Jokune and nudged Gakupo.

"Jokune?" they asked, running up to him.

Jokune nodded.

The two gave Jokune a hug.

"Guys! You're choking me!!!!" he yelled.

The two stepped back from the young adult, smiling slightly.

"Thank you... What's happened with Piko and Fukase? Have they killed each other or..."

Kaito and Gakupo looked at each other.

"Well..." they said, stepping towards the vanishing cabinet.

Jokune was confused until he saw Piko and Fukase kissing.

"What the fuck...?" Jokune said as the couple stopped.

"Fukase! You said no one would look here!" Piko hissed, walking out of the cabinet, Fukase falling out after him.

They noticed Jokune.

"No, No! Don't you fucking dare!" Jokune yelled as they pulled him into a hug.

"Get off me! Let me go!" Jokune yelled, fighting out of the two crossdressers grasp.

"The fuck is Len? He'd help me out here..." he asked, brushing his hair from his eyes.

The performers all looked at each other.

"Len is with Oliver..." Ruko said, stepping forward a little.

When he/she had gone far enough forward, he/she whispered lightly.

"Hey, what's it like out there bestie?" Ruko asked.

"Confusing but I'll guide you through it..."

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