What happened to you?

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Hinami stood on the edge of the road.

Jokune stared.

She seems to be looking for someone... He thought.

He decided to approach her.

"Heeeeeey Hinami!" Jokune said.

Hinami turned.

He saw that she looked terrified.

Her face turned from terror to confusion.

"W-who are you?" Hinami asked, approaching slowly.

Jokune raised his hands.

"An old friend..." He said.

"Look at my eyes Hinami..." Jokune said pointing to his eyes.

Hinami stared at his eyes for a minute before crying and hugging him tightly.

"J-Jokune?" Hinami asked, looking up at him, tears running down her face.

"Hey... It's nice to see you again... Onii-Chan... (Hinami is actually older than Jokune in this, idk if she actually is...)" Jokune said, patting her head lightly.

She hugged him tighter.

"Everyone- they a-all said y-you were d-d-dead! I-" Hinami sobbed.

"Hey! It's ok, I'm alive, I just joined a circus for a little while..." Jokune said, looking away slightly.

"What?! W-What kind of cir-circus?" Hinami choked.

"Nahi's Street Circus... Why?" Jokune asked.

"No! No no no no no!" Hinami gripped her head.

"Hey? Hinami?!" Jokune cried out.

Hinami collapsed on the side of the road.

(Two hours later)

"Fuckkkkkkk! Toukaaaaa you bitchhhh get here and help me the fuck out!" Jokune screamed, tears pricking his eyes.

"Oh shit!!!" Touka exclaimed, seeing Hinami.

"Dickheaded rank three investigators thought I was a fucking Ghoul and attacked me!" Jokune yelled, laying Hinami down on the bench.

"Hinami?!" Mayumi ran out and sobbed, gripping onto Hinami's hand.

"They thought we were both ghouls! Even when I got my quinque out they thought I was one!!!!" Jokune yelled, slamming his first on the bench.

"Joku-" Nagito said running out and seeing Hinami on the bench.

One of her arms had been cut off and her back was sliced open.

Jokune had six scars on his arm and his left prosthetic leg on the metal surrounding it there were deep gashes.

"If those assholes are what the CCG is employing then there's going to be human casualties as well." Jokune yelled, spitting blood from his mouth.

"Are you ok though?" Nagito asked.

"Yeah,I just need to report those three to the CCG headquarters..." Jokune said, leaning on the bench.

"I'll get you a prosthetic leg from the spares, Jokune!" Mayumi exclaimed, grabbing a blue toolbox about four foot high.

"There!" Mayumi said, grabbing the leg out and giving it to him.

Nagito pulled the leg off and put the new one on.

"Thanks guys, now, we'd better get to HQ..." Jokune said, standing up.

Nagito gasped.

"W-what? I-is something on my face?" Jokune asked.

"You have a scar going over one of your eyes..." Mayumi said, showing him a mirror.

"Oh... The fact I feel pain differently must've implied I was a ghoul..." Jokune exhaled.

" Jokune exhaled

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Jokune's scars)

"What the fuck happened?!" Kaneki yelled, running to Hinami.

He then glared at Jokune.

"What. Did. You. Do." Kaneki yelled.

"I didn't do shit! Do you really fucking think I'd hurt Onii-Chan?!" Jokune yelled back.

"Do you really fucking think I'm that big a fucking monster..." Jokune slid down the wall, gripping his head, fingers tugging at his hair.

"That big a fucking psychopath?! If I was, I would've left Hinami to die instead of bringing her here to you you big shit so you can fucking help her!!!!" Jokune screamed at a very shocked looking Kaneki.

"It's as I fucking said before... Not even God him- fucking- self can make me kill the people I love!!!" Jokune yelled clearly angry with his emotions.

Touka gave him a hug.

"It's ok, he just is terrible, always coming up with conclusions..." Touka said gently.

Jokune stood up after Touka let go.

"I'm fucking going to bed, I'm just done with your shit Kaneki!!!! GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER!!!!!!" Jokune yelled, running up the stairs.

"Jokune wait!!!" Nagito cried, running up the stairs.

Mayumi looked from Touka to the stairs questioningly.

Touka gave a nod and she ran up the stairs.

Touka grabbed a baby monitor that was sitting on the fridge after Kaneki gestured for her to grab it.

They both put it onto Jokune's room channel.

"I'm fucking done! Kaneki thinks I'd hurt Onii-Chan!!!! Fuck it." Jokune's voice rang out of the speaker as Touka and Kaneki watched the scene unfolding in the room.

"Kaneki Chan was just scared..." Mayumi started but got cut off by Jokune.

"He doesn't fucking trust me... And for good reason, I'm nuts! I have no idea what I was expecting, him seeing both me and Hinami covered in scars... But the thing is... If I had've tried to kill Hinami, we'd both be dead..." Jokune said quietly.

Touka saw Nagito grab Jokune's hand.

"Who cares what he thinks? Touka semi-trusts you, I trust you, Mayumi trusts you, Hinami trusts you!" Nagito said, hugging Jokune.

"But what does it matter if the man I used to look up to all those years ago doesn't trust me..." Jokune sighed.

Touka shut the monitor off and turned to Kaneki.

"Does he know it's in there?" Kaneki asked.

Touka shook her head.

"You've got your answer, now apologize." She said, pushing Kaneki up the stairs.

Jokune saw Kaneki and looked down.

"Come to blame me for something else?" He said so coldly it was colder than The North Pole.

"No, I came to apologize, for everything... I shouldn't have thought you'd hurt Hinami..." Kaneki put his hand on Jokune's shoulder.

Jokune flinched.

"Please, forgive me..." Kaneki asked.

"Ok, but next time, ask if I did it, I always tell the truth..." Jokune said quietly.

Kaneki gave Jokune a quick hug and left the room.

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