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TW Thermometers being insulted, if you are a thermometer please calmly evacuate.

Nagito felt hot when he woke up, his head pounding. 

Jokune seemed to notice something was off about his fiance.

He kissed Nagito's head and immediately pulled back.

"Nagi? You're burning up! Are you feeling ok?!" Jokune asked, hugging Nagito's waist, head on his neck.

Nagito let out a cough in response.

"I'm getting a thermometer babe, stay right there!" Jokune said, running out of the room, almost tripping on a stray piece of clothing as he went.

Nagito began to feel dizzy.

He picked up the shirt and cuddled it.

"Smells like Jokune..." he giggled (I'm fine while writing this :') )

Jokune came back in and stared at the sight.

Nagito was cuddling his shirt while asleep.

"Nagi? You ok?" Jokune asked, tapping his shoulder.

Nagito jumped a foot, almost falling off the bed in the process.

"Hey? I have the bitch of a thermometer... Lets see..." Jokune said, putting the thermometer in Nagito's mouth lightly.

After 10 seconds the thermometer went off.

"Hmmm... 37 degrees..." Jokune observed, taking the thermometer out.

Nagito sunk back under the blankets.

"Nagi, NO! OUT FROM UNDER THERE, IT'LL MAKE YOUR FEVER WORSE!" Jokune said, snatching the blankets off the bed and putting them in a crate at the end of the bed.

"I need backup!" Jokune grabbed out his phone, bringing the speaker up to his ear.

Soon he heard the raspy huffing of someone who just ran a mile.

"YUMI! GET BACK HERE!" Jokune heard Ruko wheeze.

"Ruko-san?" Jokune asked.

"Yeah? What's up?" Ruko puffed.

"I need help!" he yelled into the phone as Yumi asked who it was.

"Uhhh what way? I may be mostly boy but..." Ruko asked, laughing nervously.

"Ruko NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!" Jokune yelled, about ready to throw the phone at the wall.

"Ok, what can I do to help, also, can I bring Rook?" Ruko asked in a very relieved tone.

"Nagito's fucking sick again and the more help the better!" Jokune said hanging up because Ruko and the others already knew where Kaneki's house was.

Sure enough, a half hour later there was a ring at the door.

Jokune opened it to see Ruko holding a sleeping Yumi and Rook.

"What the fuck's Yumi doing here?" Jokune asked, gritting his teeth.

"She fell asleep on me and Rook..." Ruko said nevously.

Jokune leaned in to whisper to Rook.

"Will she be ok?" he asked the tan male.

"Yeah, she can't get sick." he whispered back.

Jokune rubbed his temples.

"Ok, come in..." he said, moving slightly out of the door.

All of the visitors walked inside.

Yumi slowly began to stir.

"Mom? Dad? Where are we?" she asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning, her silver, red and blue hair falling over her eyes.

"We're just checking on Nagito..." Ruko said, sitting Yumi on the couch.

"But Mom, I don't have anything t-" she started when Ruko reluctantly handed over his/her phone.

"Yay! Thanks Papa!!" Yumi said, going on Roblox (because that's normal for a 14 year old right?)

Ruko let out a sigh, rubbing his/her temples. 

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