chapter 11

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[The first scene starts with Dean lying on his bed in the bunker obviously unconscious with Crowley standing over him]
"Open your eyes Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. Let's go take a howl at that moon."
[The camera cuts to dean's face and you can now clearly see the cuts and bruises covering it then his eyes open. They're black]

Mary gasped and John glared but this time it was at Sam not dean. "Boy! How the hell could you let this happen you should of made sure he was put down the minute he woke up, your as much of a disappointment as your brother!" He yelled and Sam shrank back the words clearly hitting a nerve.
Dean saw red. Sure John could talk to him like that but not Sam. Never sam. He couldn't even really recall what happened but one minute he was say down and the next he had John pinned to the wall. "Don't. Talk. To. Him. Like. That" he said in a deadly calm voice. Jody jumped up and grabbed his shoulder pulling him back and John fell to the floor still in shock, what the fuck just happened?! Mary rushed to him and helped him back to his seat and Dean sat down too still silently fuming.

[The next scene starts with Demon Dean tied to a chair in a devils trap Sam is working on something in front of him]
"Sam I know you think your going to try and fix me but did it ever occur to you that I don't want to be fixed? Just let me go live my life. I won't bother you. What do you care?"
"What do I care?"
[Sam begins to pour holy water on the trap saying something in a different language that I cannot translate]
"Do you think I'm going to sit here like crowley? Getting all weepy whilst you shoot me up? Well screw that I don't want this."
"Yeah I pretty much figured that out"
"You don't even know if this is going to work do you? You know I've got a hell of a lot more running through me than just demon juice"
"Mark of Cain got it"
"That's right"
"Buckle up"
"Sammy. You know I hate shots"
"I hate demons"
[Sam steps forward and throws holy water in demon dean's face, then whilst he's distracted proceeds to inject his arm, he starts convulsing and roaring the injection was clearly working]

"I know that couldn't have been easy for you Sam" Jody said patting his arm slightly.
"Yeah but it was what i had to do" Sam replied he definitely appreciated the the comfort Jody was bringing him right now though. John rolled his eyes at the obvious weakness his son was showing, even if Sam was his favourite, it was obvious he needed to be taught a lesson later on.

[The scene changes again, they're outside now, when Dean overhears an argument between a girl and a guy]
"Get off me."
"Hey is this him?"
"Is there a problem"
"Yeah are you mad"
[Dean starts punching the guy uncontrollably]
[Dean continues to punch the guy ignoring the girl and Crowley approaches.]
"You need to get away from here. Don't try and contact her. Don't even think about her. Do you understand me?"
[ The guy manages a nod and Dean throws him back on the car hood, Crowley is still just watching, then he coughs clearly done with this situation and Dean walks past him]

Charlie takes note of the aggression demon Dean was showing, she remembered something she had learned early in her hunting lessons, demons feast on whatever darkness and weakness they can find and they extend it. So Dean must have been feeling this anger for a long time and the demon part of him was expanding it and making it ten times worse.

[ Then it changes again Dean is now in an alleyway another guy is there too, be pulls out a gun]
"Wow. It's really you."
"We met?"
"Talked on the phone"
[He is still pointing his gun at Dean]
"Right right. Your the guy who's supposed to put a bullet in Sammy's brain. Did you miss?"
"Well I had a better idea I figured if I let your bro escape he'd go running to you and all I'd have to do is just tag along. And now here we are finally Dean Winchester"
"Great. A groupie"
[The guy gradually getting closer to Dean, the gun is still pointing at him]
"Do you remember me?"
"Yeah, yeah your that guy from that thing."
"New york, June 21st, 2003"
"Is that supposed to ring a bell?"
"It was the night you gutted and murdered a man by the name of Edward Trenton, he was my father"
[ The camera zooms in on dean's face and you can see he just does not care]

That date did actually ring a bell to John, yeah now that he thought about it he remembered killing that man- no monster. He remembered killing that monster and taking Dean with him, and you know what, he didn't feel even an ounce of regret even after seeing the monsters kid and how much it had affected him.

"Well hey I'm not saying I didn't slice and dice your old man, I'm just saying he wasn't the first and he certainly wasn't the last and they all just get winded up"
"I saw you. That night. After. You let me live. That was dumb, real dumb. I spent half my life training for this moment. I've played out this fight a thousand times in my head. And i know all about you deano and your good, real good. But you see I'm better."
"Prove it. Take a shot"
"Now that's not payback"
[The guy puts the gun down and takes out a knife.]
"This is payback"
[He attacks Dean with the knife, this is followed by a fist fight which Dean is very clearly winning, outmatching the guy in every way. Sam starts to wake up on the floor]

"Oh my god why is this guy even trying to fight when it's obvious he can't win" Alex said exasperated. "He didn't know that I wasn't exactly human ay this point and he probably thought he stood a chance. To be fait he eas pretty good he could of probably beat me if I was actually me" Dean responded keeping his voice even.

"You know- and I'm just spit-balling here but maybe your not as good as you think you are. Ohhhh you know Kung Fu?"
"I know everything."
[The guy is now in a Kung Fu ish position after Dean disarmed him ready to continue fighting. Sam is still on the floor]
"Well come on"
[They start fighting again. Sam finally gets up and leaves through a door, Dean eventually throws the guy down onto the floor pretty hard]
"What'd you think was going to happen huh? You'd stroll in here say my name is (a/n: I couldn't here what he said there lol sorry if the whole guy thing is annoying)
And you killed my father prepare to die and you think I'd just fold, that makes me sad."
[The guy swings his knife as a last attempt and guys Dean, they get in another small fist fight which ends with Dean holding the guy at arm's length by the throat]
"You have no idea what you walked into here do you? None"
"What are you?"
"I'm a demon."
[Dean's eyes go black again and the video ends]

Bobby sighed "I'm not surprised that you became a demon trouble seems to follow you boys everywhere" and Sam laughed "yeah but we always find a way to deal with it" he responded. "Okay but can we just talk about how demon dean was kinda badass" Claire said sounding a little bit excited, Dean rolled his eyes followed by giving her a fond look and reaching to ruffle her hair, "he was kinda badass once you look past the torturing and killing he did" Dean agreed. Everyone quietened when the room got dark again and the screen lit back up.

Hiya bitches!
Okay soooo I know I haven't updated in a long ass time and as an apology for that I've decided to upload twice tonight for you guys.
Thank you for all the support this book has been getting it really means a lot to me! I love reading your comments it honestly makes my day.
I can't really explain why I haveny updated I guess it's just lack of motivation but I'm getting back to it now
Anyways this is getting long so
Laters 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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